The Scriptural expression “heaven and earth” means all that exists, creation in its entirety. It also indicates the bond, deep within creation, that both unites heaven and earth and distinguishes the one from the other: “the earth” is the world of men, while “heaven” or “the heavens” can designate both the firmament and God’s own “place” – “our Father in heaven” and consequently the “heaven” too which is eschatological glory. Finally, “heaven” refers to the saints and the “place” of the spiritual creatures, the angels, who surround God. Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church 326
1. Prologue & Letters to the Churches of Asia
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 1:1 | Prologue | Angel | Appearance | Angel sent to mediate visions to St. John | Ministry of Angels |
2 | 1:4 | Prologue | Spirits | Mentioned | Not in reference to Angels but Spirit of God | Symbolic for the Spirit of God |
3 | 1:16 | The First Vision | Stars | Mentioned | Guardian angels/bishops of local churches | Office of Angels |
4 | 1:20 | The First Vision | Angels | Mentioned | Guardian angels/bishops of local churches | Office of Angels |
5a | 2:1 | To Ephesus | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of the mother church | Office of Angels |
5b | 2:1 | To Ephesus | Stars | Mentioned | Guardian angels/bishops of local churches | Office of Angels |
6 | 2:8 | To Smyrna | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of persecuted church | Office of Angels |
7 | 2:12 | To Pergamum | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of persecuted church | Office of Angels |
8 | 2:18 | To Thyatira | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of small Christian community | Office of Angels |
9 | 3:1 | To Sardis | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of affluent church | Office of Angels |
10 | 3:5 | To Sardis | Angels | Mentioned | Conquerors of the spiritual battle | Office of Angels |
11 | 3:7 | To Philadelphia | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of conflicted church | Office of Angels |
12 | 3:14 | To Laodicea | Angel | Mentioned | Guardian angel/bishop of lukewarm church | Office of Angels |
2. God and the Lamb in Heaven
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 4:5 | Vision / heaven Worship | Seven Spirits of God | Heaven | Seven Angels stand / before the Lord | Office / Ministry of Angels |
2 | 4:6 | Vision / heaven Worship | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | Eyes / vigilance / Creation | Office / Nature of Angels |
3 | 4:7 | Vision / heaven Worship | Creatures | Heaven | Faces / possibly symbolic / Creation | Office / Nature of Angels |
4 | 4:8 | Vision / heaven Worship | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | Four Angelic beings near God’s Throne | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
5 | 4:9 | Vision / heaven Worship | Living Creatures | Heaven | Perpetual praise glorifying God in Heaven | Office / Ministry of Angels |
6 | 5:2 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Mighty Angel | Heaven | Proclaiming “Who can / God’s Plan?” | Office / Ministry of Angels |
7 | 5:3 | The Scroll and the Lamb | (All of the Angels) | Universe | Only Christ can open / scroll / Angels | Office of Angels |
8 | 5:4 | The Scroll and the Lamb | (All of the Angels) | Universe | Only Christ can open the scroll / Angels | Office of Angels |
9 | 5:6 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | Angels in the midst of the Throne of God | Office of Angels |
10 | 5:8 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | Prostrate before the Lamb / worship | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
11 | 5:9 | The Scroll and the Lamb | (Four Living Creatures) | Heaven | Sing and hymn of praise to Lamb / saints | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
12a | 5:11 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Many Angels | Heaven | Myriads of angels before / Throne of God | Office / Hierarchy of Angels |
12b | 5:11 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Living Creatures | Heaven | Before the Throne of God (1st Hierarchy) | Office / Hierarchy of Angels |
13 | 5:12 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Creatures / Angels | Heaven | Angels and saints praise/glorify / risen Jesus | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
14 | 5:13 | The Scroll and the Lamb | (Nine choirs of Angels) | Universe | Angels, saints / Church unite in praise | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
15 | 5:14 | The Scroll and the Lamb | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | God and the Lamb / worship/adoration | Office / Ministry of Angels |
3. The Seven Seals
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 6:1 | The First Six Seals | One of the Four Living Creatures | Heaven | Speaks a command / God wills it | Ministry / Office of Angels |
2 | 6:3 | The First Six Seals | The Second Living Creature | Heaven | Speaks a command / God wills it | Ministry / Office of Angels |
3 | 6:5 | The First Six Seals | The Third Living Creature | Heaven | Speaks a command / God wills it | Ministry / Office of Angels |
4 | 6:6 | The First Six Seals | Four Living Creatures | Heaven | God approves / meaning explained | Ministry / Office of Angels |
5 | 6:7 | The First Six Seals | The Fourth Living Creature | Heaven | Speaks a command / God wills it | Ministry / Office of Angels |
6 | 7:1 | The 144,000 Sealed | Four Angels | Heaven | All four corners / the entire earth | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
7 | 7:2 | The 144,000 Sealed | Angel | Heaven | Important ministry and instruction | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
8 | 7:11 | The 144,000 Sealed | Angels | Heaven | Angels prostrate/worship/praise God | Office / Ministry of Angels |
4. The Seven Trumpets
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 8:2 | The Seven Trumpets | The Seven Angels | Heaven | The 7 Archangels stand / minister before God | Ministry / Office of Angels |
2 | 8:3 | The Gold Censer | Another Angel | Heaven | Angel offers / prayers of the holy ones / God | Ministry / Office of Angels |
3 | 8:4 | The Gold Censer | Angel | Heaven | Angels offers / prayers of the holy ones / God | Ministry / Nature / Office |
4 | 8:5 | The Gold Censer | Angel | Heaven | This event is symbolic of Divine judgment | Ministry / Office of Angels |
5 | 8:6 | The First 4 Trumpets | The Seven Angels | Heaven | Signs of Divine Theophany taking place | Ministry / Office of Angels |
6 | 8:7 | The First 4 Trumpets | The First One (Angel) | Heaven | Trumpet / God’s judgments on the earth | Ministry / Office of Angels |
7 | 8:8 | The First 4 Trumpets | The Second Angel | Heaven | Trumpet / God’s judgments on the earth | Ministry / Office of Angels |
8 | 8:10 | The First 4 Trumpets | The Third Angel | Heaven | Trumpet / God’s judgments on the earth | Ministry / Office of Angels |
9 | 8:12 | The First 4 Trumpets | The Fourth Angel | Heaven | Trumpet / God’s judgments on the earth | Ministry / Office of Angels |
10a | 8:13 | The First 4 Trumpets | An Eagle | Heaven | Angel flying / heaven foretelling miseries | Ministry / Nature / Office |
10b | 8:13 | The First 4 Trumpets | The Three Angels | Heaven | More trumpet blasts / released by / angels | Ministry of Angels |
11a | 9:1 | The Fifth Trumpet | The Fifth Angel | Heaven | Woe / similar / 8th and 9th plagues / Exodus | Ministry of Angels |
11b | 9:1 | The Fifth Trumpet | A Star | Sky/Earth | Either an angel or a fallen angel is the star | Unknown |
12 | 9:11 | The Fifth Trumpet | The Angel of / Abyss | Abyss | Destructive diabolical fallen angel, the devil | Fallen Angels |
13 | 9:13 | The Sixth Trumpet | The Sixth Angel | Heaven | Announcing another and final tribulation | Ministry of Angels |
14 | 9:14 | The Sixth Trumpet | The Sixth Angel | Heaven | Releasing evil upon earth / convert the ungodly | Ministry of Angels |
15 | 9:15 | The Sixth Trumpet | The Four Angels | Earth | Fallen angels allowed / do evil / convert ungodly | Fallen Angels |
16 | 10:1 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Mighty Angel | Heaven | Divine attributes noted w this angel (Rev 10:1-3) | Ministry/Nature/Office |
17 | 10:4 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Voice from Heaven | Heaven | Either an angel or God has spoken a command | Unknown |
18 | 10:5 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Angel | Sea/Land | Heaven, earth, and sea symbolic of the universe | Ministry of Angels |
19 | 10:7 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | The Seventh Angel | Heaven | The mysterious plan of God and His fulfillment | Ministry of Angels |
20a | 10:8 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Voice from Heaven | Heaven | Either an angel or God has spoken a command | Unknown |
20b | 10:8 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Angel | Vision | St. John / instructed / take scroll from the Angel | Ministry of Angels |
21 | 10:9 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Angel | Vision | Scroll / sweet w/ God’s Word / sour w/ suffering | Ministry of Angels |
22 | 10:10 | Angel w/ Small Scroll | Angel | Vision | St. John follows Divine instruction / take scroll | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
23 | 11:15 | The 7th Trumpet | The Seventh Angel | Heaven | The sound of trumpet, God’s victory over evil | Ministry / Office of Angels |
5. The Woman and the Dragon
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 12:4 | The Woman and the Dragon | Stars | Heaven | Satan possibly leading a third of the angels astray | Fallen Angels |
2a | 12:7 | The Woman and the Dragon | Michael | Heaven | St. Michael and his angels war against the demonic | Warfare of Angels |
2b | 12:7 | The Woman and the Dragon | Angels | Heaven | St. Michael and his angels war against the demonic | Warfare of Angels |
2c | 12:7 | The Woman and the Dragon | Angels | Heaven | Fallen angels deceived by the dragon fight with him | Fallen Angels |
3 | 12:9 | The Woman and the Dragon | Angels | Earth | Dragon and fallen angels cast out of heaven to earth | Fallen Angels |
6. Companions, Angels, and the Harvest
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 14:3 | Lamb’s Companions | 4 Living Creatures | Throne Room | Possibly the 4 Angelic / near God’s throne | Office of Angels |
2 | 14:6 | The Three Angels | Angel | Mid-Heaven | 1st Angel flying / announcing / Gospel to all | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
3 | 14:8 | The Three Angels | Angel | Mid-Heaven | 2nd Angel following / prophesying | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
4 | 14:9 | The Three Angels | Angel | Mid-Heaven | 3rd Angel warns/ follow God / reject devil | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
5 | 14:10 | The Three Angels | Holy Angels | Before the Lamb | Holy Angels preside w/ the Lamb / judgement | Office / Ministry of Angels |
6 | 14:15 | Harvest of the Earth | Angel | Temple | Angels announces / harvest / godly / ungodly | Office / Nature / Ministry |
7 | 14:17 | Harvest of the Earth | Angel | Temple | Angel comes out w/ sickle ready / reap / ungodly | Office / Nature / Ministry |
8 | 14:18 | Harvest of the Earth | Angel | Temple | Angel instructs angel w/ sickle/ reap / ungodly | Office / Nature / Ministry |
9 | 14:19 | Harvest of the Earth | Angel | Temple | Angel reaps / ungodly of the earth / God’s fury | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
7. The Seven Bowls of Wrath
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 15:1 | The Seven Last Plagues | The Seven Angels | Heaven | Angels ready to pour out God’s fury | Office / Ministry of Angels |
2 | 15:6 | The Seven Last Plagues | The Seven Angels | Heaven | Angels are dressed in clean white linen | Office/Nature/Ministry |
3a | 15:7 | The Seven Last Plagues | 4 Living Creatures | Heaven | 4 Creatures give the Angels the bowls | Office / Ministry of Angels |
3b | 15:7 | The Seven Last Plagues | The Seven Angels | Heaven | Angels receive bowls from the 4 Creatures | Office / Ministry of Angels |
4 | 15:8 | The Seven Last Plagues | The Seven Angels | Heaven | God’s glory/might emit from the bowls | Office / Ministry of Angels |
5a | 16:1 | The Seven Bowls | A Loud Voice | Temple | Possibly a high ranking Angel near God | Office / Ministry of Angels |
5b | 16:1 | The Seven Bowls | The Seven Angels | Heaven | Angels instructed to pour out God’s wrath | Office / Ministry of Angels |
6 | 16;2 | The Seven Bowls | The First Angel | Earth | 1st Angel pours out bowl of afflictions | Ministry of Angels |
7 | 16:3 | The Seven Bowls | The Second Angel | Sea | 2nd Angel pours out bowl on the sea | Ministry of Angels |
8 | 16:4 | The Seven Bowls | The Third Angel | Rivers | 3rd Angel pours out bowl on rivers/springs | Ministry of Angels |
9 | 16:5 | The Seven Bowls | Angel | Waters | Angel ministers over the earth’s waters | Office / Ministry of Angels |
10 | 16:8 | The Seven Bowls | The Fourth Angel | Sun | 4th angel pours out his bowl on the sun | Ministry of Angels |
11 | 16:10 | The Seven Bowls | The Fifth Angel | Evil | 5th angel pours bowl on throne of the beast | Ministry of Angels |
12 | 16:12 | The Seven Bowls | The Sixth Angel | River | 6th angel pours bowl on River Euphrates | Ministry of Angels |
13 | 16:17 | The Seven Bowls | The Seventh Angel | Air | 7th angle pours final bowl over everything | Ministry of Angels |
8. Fall of the Harlot and Babylon
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 17:1 | Babylon the Great | One of the Seven Angels | Vision | Angel speaks with St. John | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
2 | 17:3 | Babylon the Great | He (Angel) | Vision | Angel or Spirit of God with St. John | Unknown |
3 | 17:7 | Babylon the Great | Angel | Vision | Angel asks St. John a question and explains | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
4 | 18:1 | The Fall of Babylon | Another Angel | Heaven | Mighty Angel proclaims God’s judgment | Office/Nature/Ministry |
5 | 18:4 | The Fall of Babylon | Another Voice from Heaven | Heaven | Avoid society sins, idolatry, and immorality | Unknown |
6 | 18:21 | The Fall of Babylon | A Mighty Angel | Sea | Mighty Angel hurls stone in the sea | Office/Nature/Ministry |
9. Victory of Christ over the Beast
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 19:5 | The Victory Song | Voice | Heaven | An instructing voice from the throne (probably an angel) | Unknown |
2 | 19:6 | The Victory Song | A Great Multitude | Heaven | Praise and rejoice for God and his victory over evil | Office / Ministry of Angels |
3 | 19:9 | The Victory Song | Angel | Vision | Angel instructs St. John to write down his words | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
4 | 19:10 | The Victory Song | (Angel) | Vision | Angel explains he too is a creature, not the Creator | Office / Nature/ Ministry |
5 | 19:14 | The Victory Song | Armies of Heaven | Heaven | Army of clean white linen Angels on white horses | Office / Nature/ Ministry |
6 | 19:17 | The Victory Song | Angel | Sun | Angel stands on the sun and proclaims God’s victory | Nature / Ministry of Angels |
10. A New Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem
# | Verse | Passage | Angel | Info | Reference | Notes |
1 | 20:1 | The Thousand Year Reign | Angel | Heaven | Angel comes down to detain Satan in the abyss | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
2 | 20:2 | The Thousand Year Reign | (Angel) | Abyss | Angel seizes the devil to cast him in the abyss | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
3 | 20:3 | The Thousand Year Reign | (Angel) | Abyss | Angel casts the devil in the abyss and sealed it | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
4 | 21:9 | The New Jerusalem | Seven Angels | Vision | Angel shows St. John the New Jerusalem | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
5 | 21:10 | The New Jerusalem | (Angel) | Vision | Angel shows St. John the New Jerusalem | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
6 | 21:12 | The New Jerusalem | Twelve Angels | Vision | New Jerusalem protected by 12 Angels | Office / Ministry of Angels |
7 | 21:15 | The New Jerusalem | One (Angel) | Vision | Angel ready to measure New Jerusalem | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
8 | 21:16 | The New Jerusalem | (Angel) | Vision | Angel measures the city | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
9 | 21:17 | The New Jerusalem | (Angel) | Vision | Angel measures city wall | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
10 | 22:1 | The New Jerusalem | Angel | Vision | Angel shows St. John river of life-giving water | Ministry of Angels |
11a | 22:6 | Epilogue | (Angel) | Vision | Angel assures St. John God’s Word is true | Ministry of Angels |
11b | 22:6 | Epilogue | Angel | Vision | Angel sent to confirm message sent by Jesus | Ministry of Angels |
12 | 22:8 | Epilogue | Angel | Vision | St. John confirms Angel gave him message | Ministry / Nature of Angels |
13 | 22:9 | Epilogue | Angel | Vision | Angel explains to St. John he too is a servant | Ministry of Angels |
14 | 22:10 | Epilogue | (Angel) | Vision | Angels tells St. John not to seal the prophecy | Ministry of Angels |
15 | 22:16 | Epilogue | Angel | Vision | Jesus sent Angel to give the Church testimony | Ministry of Angels |
Remembrance Of The Victory Of Christ And His Saints: The faithful should also reflect who is their leader against the temptations of the enemy; namely, Christ the Lord, who was victorious in the same combat. He overcame the devil; He is that stronger man who, coming upon the strong armed man, overcame him, deprived him of his arms, and stripped him of his spoils. Of Christ’s victory over the world, we read in St. John: Have confidence: I have overcome the world; and in the Apocalypse, He is called the conquering lion; and it is said of Him that He went forth conquering that He might conquer, because by His victory He has given power to others to conquer.’ …St. John wrote: I write unto you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.’ Source: Catechism of the Council of Trent, From “The Sixth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: And lead us not into temptation.”
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Angel Bible Verses – From Genesis to Revelation