St. Charbel Makhlouf (1828-1898) was a Maronite monk from Lebanon who lived a life of sanctity. His powerful intercession is attributed to numerous miracles validated by the Church. St. Charbel lived a holy life for God. In addition to his many miracles, St. Charbel left behind words of wisdom to help us along our journey in life towards God.
#1 Timeless Quote of St. Charbel
“The things that go on within you are more important than those that take place in your life.”

Beloved, I urge you…keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11
St. Charbel’s Spiritual Warfare
St. Charbel, a wise hermit monk, much like the desert Church Fathers before him, knew that in spiritual warfare it is the interior life that is under siege. Light combats the darkness. The spirit battles against the world’s temptations and allurements.
Much like St. Raphael the Archangel in the Book of Tobit, St. Charbel goes on to say that sin leaves us with nothing in our life but anxiety, unhappiness, and emptiness.
Those who commit sin and do evil are their own worst enemies. Tobit 12:10
Seek First the Kingdom of God
Christ taught us in the Gospel to first seek God within us before we give way to all the things taking place in the world around us. If you want to live a better life in the eyes of God, give God the first fruits of your life, your day, and your love.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Matthew 6:33a
#2 Timeless Quote of St. Charbel
“You exist in this world to give and to serve.”

Christ was transfigured before them; His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. Matthew 17:2
The Holy Light of Christ
When Christ was transfigured before his 3 chosen disciples, Peter, James, and John, the holy light of His deity illuminated before them with a dazzling radiance.
The Light of St. Charbel’s Tomb
When St. Charbel died and was laid to rest in a tomb, mysterious lights began to shine from the tomb to the astonishment of those who witnessed it. Was the Lord giving testimony to the saint’s holiness, charity, and detachment from this world?
Your Light Must Shine Before Others
If you live your life for God, giving and serving as Christ did, your light will shine too! You will be living a better life. You will be living the life God has planned for you.
Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16
#3 Timeless Quote of St. Charbel
“Begin nothing on earth unless it has its end in heaven; do not walk on a path that does not lead to heaven. “

What does the LORD, your God, ask of you but to fear the LORD, your God, to follow in all His ways, to love and serve the LORD, your God, with your whole heart and with your whole being. Deuteronomy 10:12
Life is Moving By Fast
The thing to keep in mind about life is that it is moving by a lot faster than you think.
Seventy is the sum of our years, or eighty, if we are strong; Most of them are toil and sorrow; they pass quickly, and we are gone. Psalms 90:10
Follow Jesus Today
There is no guarantee that we will even live to see tomorrow. That is why monks often wear black. It serves as a reminder that God can take us at any time. Follow Christ like St. Charbel did. Stay with Him. Follow Jesus in your life with charity and in holiness.
It is written, “Be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16
St. Charbel wisely understood that we never know when our last day will be.
Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13
About St. Charbel
This video gives great testimony to the life, holiness, and miracles of St. Charbel.
Patron Saint
St. Charbel is the patron saint of those who suffer in body and soul. We all suffer in life. If you are in need of a prayer or a miracle in your life, this is the saint that can assist you with his powerful intercession. It almost feels as if all the sacrifices St. Charbel made while he was alive he offered it up for us souls in need of Christ’s mercy.
Feast Day
The feast day of St. Charbel is July 24 on the Roman Calendar. On the Maronite Calendar, the feast day of St. Charbel is always the third Sunday of July.
St. Charbel is a miracle saint and a wonder worker for God. It is possible that there are as many miracles attributed to St. Charbel’s powerful intercession than any saint that ever walked the earth throughout the history of the Church. That is amazing! If you would like to hear testimonials of healings, here is a great resource: St. Charbel.
Novena Prayer
If you need a miracle to overcome sickness, affliction, or any adversity in your life, try praying a pray a 9 day novena prayer to St. Charbel: St. Charbel Novena Prayer.
St. Charbel Prophecy
Like Sister Lucia of Fatima, St. Charbel gave prophecy that the devil seeks to destroy the family. Exorcists have said that the demons will go after the father of the family. The father is the bishop of the domestic church, the family home. Parents must be faithful to God and the Church to provide their family spiritual protection.
St. Charbel Book
If you are intrigued with this miracle working saint and monk, I recommend reading the book Love is a Radiant Light, the Life & Words of St. Charbel by Hanna Skandar.
St. Charbel was a holy saint. His life of asceticism and humble devotion to God exalted him to a level of sainthood with the great miraculous saints such as St. Padre Pio.
You might not be called to life of extreme asceticism like St. Charbel, but you might live your best life yet if you follow his words of wisdom in your discipleship, and follow Christ in the Word every day. Try reading a chapter from the Bible every day.
If you remain in my Word, you will truly be my disciples John 8:31b
If you liked St. Charbel’s words of wisdom, here are a few more to consider. St. Charbel’s wisdom and powerful intercession can help you live your best life yet.
St. Charbel, pray for us. Pray for the Church. Amen.