St. Michael the Archangel is the leader of God’s armies of angels. He is one of the seven angels who stand before the throne of God. St. Michael is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. St. Michael defeated the dragon in the Book of Revelation.
1. The Meaning of the Name St. Michael
“Some angels are given proper names to denote the service they are empowered to perform.” + St. Gregory
The Name St. Michael
The name of St. Michael in Hebrew (Mikha’el) is a battle cry. There are several variations, but they all point to God in heaven, whom St. Michael serves with zeal.
Who is like God?
Who is as God?
Who can compare with God?
2. St. Michael in Sacred Scripture
Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. Revelation 12:7a

5 Key Verses About St. Michael the Archangel
There are five Bible verses that mention St. Michael in the Bible. Three verses about St. Michael are from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. One verse is from the Letter of St. Jude in the New Testament, and one well known verse is in Revelation.
# | Reference | Description | Verse |
1. | Archangels | Michael, one of the chief princes… | Daniel 10:13 |
2. | Archangels | Supports me / Michael your prince… | Daniel 10:21 |
3. | Archangel | There shall arise Michael / great prince… | Daniel 12:1 |
4. | Warrior | Michael / contended with the devil… | Jude 1:9 |
5. | Warrior | War in heaven / Michael battled the devil… | Revelation 12:7 |
Old Testament
The Book of Daniel
At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since the nation began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book. Daniel 12:1
In the Book of Daniel, St. Michael is called “a great prince.” He is the patron and protector of the nation of Israel. St. Michael, along with the archangels Gabriel and Raphael, present our petitions before the throne of God. St. Michael is the guardian angel of the people of God, and he protects the people of God (Dan 12:1).
New Testament
The Letter of Jude
Yet the archangel Michael, when he argued with the devil in a dispute over the body of Moses, did not venture to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him but said, “May the Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9
- St. Michael quotes from the book of Zechariah (Zech 3:2).
What might surprise many Catholics is that there is consideration to be held that the Devil is waiting in God’s heavenly courtroom to accuse us and claim rights to us from the sins throughout our lives. In the Book of Zechariah, Satan (Hebrew: the accuser) stood ready to accuse the High Priest Joshua, but the angel of the LORD rebuked him:
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, while the adversary stood at his right side to accuse him. And the angel of the LORD said to the adversary, “May the LORD rebuke you, O adversary; may the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Zechariah 3:1-2a
Adversary: Hebrew satan, here, the prosecuting attorney, a figure in the Lord’s heavenly courtroom. Source: USCCB
In the Letter of Jude, St. Michael was most likely sent by God to bury the body of Moses when he died in the land of Moab (Dt 34:5), but the Devil also claimed rights to the body of Moses. The warrior angel St. Michael disputed with Satan and rebuked him.
May the Lord rebuke you!
“The common interpretation is, that St. Michael conveyed the body of Moses out of the way, and from the knowledge of the Israelites, lest they should pay to it some idolatrous worship; whereas the devil, for that end, would have it buried, so that the people might know the place and adore it.” Source: George Leo Haydock
3 Ways to Help Defend us from the Devil
Fr. Gabriel Amorth (1925-2016), former chief exorcist of the Vatican and a champion in Catholic spiritual warfare, had this to say to the Devil about being protected from him in an interview from the book God is More Beautiful Than the Devil:
I am wrapped in the mantle of Our Lady; what can you do to me? I have St. Michael the Archangel on my side, try fighting with him. I have my guardian angel watching over me lest I be touched; you cannot do anything. + Fr. Gabriele Amorth,
We might conclude from Fr. Amorth to do 3 things to help stay protected from the Devil, especially at the hour of death when our souls go up to God for judgement:
- Stay close to the Blessed Mother in this life and pray her rosary every day.
- Pray the St. Michael Prayer devoutly, especially at the end of Mass.
- Pray the Guardian Angel Prayer devoutly every day.
New Testament
Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back. Revelation 12:7
St. Michael leads God’s armies of angels into war against Satan (Rev 12:7-9). According to St. Bede, the word “heaven” in the Revelation 12:7 verse signifies the Church. St. Michael and his angels fight against the devil for the Church by the will of God. He also prays for the Church. Did St. Michael defeat the devil similar to the way David defeated Goliath? Surely, battle lines were drawn, but St. Michael put his faith in God with his battle cry that must have been heard over the cosmos, “Who is like God!!”
3. Michael of the Morning Prayer
“Michael, Michael of the morning, Fresh chord of heaven adorning, keep me safe today. And in times of temptation drive the Devil away. Amen.”

That is the Michael of the Morning Prayer. It is a prayer that was prayed devoutly by a young Marine that was wounded during the Korean War in 1950. According to the Christian Marine, St. Michael the Archangel saved his life on the battlefield!
You can hear the broadcast of the soldier’s angelic encounter here:
4. The Importance of St. Michael
Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me. Daniel 10:13b
St. Michael the Archangel is important because it was his zeal and love for the glory of God that allowed him to rise up and rally all of the good angels of heaven to defeat the dragon, Satan, and his demons. St. Michael also escorts faithful souls to heaven.
“Deliver them from the lion’s mouth, that hell engulf them not, that they fall not into darkness; but let Michael, the holy standard-bearer, bring them into the holy light.” + The Mass for the Dead, Offertory
5. St. Michael in Spiritual Warfare
The battle against the Devil, which is the principal task of St. Michael the Archangel, is still being fought today, because the Devil is still alive and active in the world. + St. Pope John Paul II

St. Michael’s Assistance in Spiritual Warfare
I read in a Msgr. Stephen Rossetti blog post what a powerful force St. Michael is in our ongoing struggles of spiritual warfare against the Devil. A possessed soul seeking healing from the Church recently affirmed the glorious power of St. Michael:
David added, “It’s torture to be there, with all of the statues, and pictures that surround me.” He went on, “All of the people and the priest praying is such a loud noise that it makes me so angry.” And he concluded, “When they say the St. Michael prayer, I can hear the demons screaming. It’s so horrible and frightening and painful.”
You can read Msgr. Rossetti’s post here: Exorcist Diary #195
6. St. Michael’s Role in the Church
“In the first coming Christ endured the cross, despising the shame; in the second coming he will be in glory, escorted by an army of angels.” + St. Cyril of Jerusalem

St. Michael’s Involvement in the Church
St. Michael is engaged in a number of roles in the Church:
- St. Michael is called upon by God to be protector of the Church.
- St. Michael still battles against Satan to help save souls from him.
- St. Michael escorts into heaven those who have died to God’s judgment.
- St. Michael is venerated by the Church (also St. Gabriel and St. Raphael).
“Until 1970 the prayers in the liturgy addressed St. Michael as the angel who presented the soul for judgement.” Source: Angels of God The Bible, The Church and the Heavenly Hosts, Mike Aquilina
7. St. Michael, Patron of Occupations
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and he saves them. Psalms 34:8

Patron Occupations of St. Michael
Although some occupations may receive patron protection from St. Michael, if we do him and his angels homage by fearing the LORD and praying the Angelus at 6am, noon, and 6pm each day, surely he will be there for us, just as we are there for him.
Patron Occupations
- Bankers
- Doctors
- EMTs
- Firemen
- Grocers
- Law Enforcement
- Mariners
- Military Personnel
- Paramedics
- Paratroopers
- Police Officers
- Soldiers
Patron of Families
St. Michael and his angels can also help keep families protected from the Devil. Blessed St. Michael statues, consecrations of families and homes to St. Michael, and praying the Angelus should prove to be effective in spiritual warfare for families.
“One of the things we found effective in creating a good atmosphere in the home among the parents is if they get up and pray the Angelus every day at 6, noon, and 6. There is something about that prayer, it protects people in their spiritual warfare…we are trying to figure out what causes it. We think part of it is the discipline of praying it daily.” + Fr. Chad Ripperger, exorcist
Patron of Soldiers in Battle
St. Michael the Archangel helps to protect soldiers in combat. Michael A. Monsoor, a courageous Navy SEAL, saved the life of a wounded teammate in a dangerous combat situation. The teammate said that as he was being taken out of harm’s way by Michael Monsoor to safety, he saw Angel wings completely surround them.
But those with insight shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3
Michael Monsoor, who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, ended up giving his own life to save the life of his teammates in battle. He was named after St. Michael the Archangel and exemplifies the angel’s virtues.
8. St. Michael the Archangel Statue
Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord… Daniel 3:38

Blessed St. Michael the Archangel Statues
I heard a well known exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, advise all Catholic families to keep a blessed statue of St. Michael in their house for spiritual protection.
Consider asking a priest to give a sacramental statue of St. Michael a prayer of blessing over the statue to provide you and your family spiritual protection in your home.
You can read about my own experience with a blessed St. Michael statue: Archangels
9. Angelic Characteristics of St. Michael
“Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent, so that his action and his name may make it clear that no one can do what God does by his superior power.” + St. Gregory

St. Michael, Protector Angel
St. Michael helps to protect God’s people. He appears as patron and protector of Israel in the Book of Daniel. Also in the Book of Daniel, St. Michael contends with a principality. We read from the words of the Archangel Gabriel to Daniel:
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood in my way for twenty-one days, until finally Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me. I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia. Daniel 10:13
Not only is St. Michael a great protector of the people of God, but he can also help us to better understand the events that surround us in our own spiritual warfare, and St. Michael is known to present our petitions before the throne of God in heaven.
“You will need the help of St. Michael living in this world.” + St. Padre Pio
St. Michael, Warrior Angel
St. Michael is a warrior angel of God. He is the leader of the armies of angels of God. He is the only angel in the Bible mentioned as an archangel of God.
In addition to his involvement in the Book of Daniel, the Letter of Jude, and in Revelation, the Church Fathers also believed that St. Michael was the angel in a number of other passages in the Bible, including several of the angelic appearances in the Book of Genesis and the commander angel who appeared in the Book of Joshua.
“I am the commander of the army of the LORD…” Joshua 5:14a
“St. Michael has always been the warrior Angel, fighting first Satan and his demons from the beginning, then, in the course of time, all the enemies of God’s own people. Source: The Angels in Catholic Teaching and Tradition, Fr. Pascal Parente
10. The Sword of St. Michael
Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

St. Michael with His Sword
St. Michael is often seen with a sword in his hand in religious art and with St. Michael statues. There has been a traditional view that it was St. Michael who held the fiery sword in the Garden of Eden to protect the tree of life after the expulsion of Adam and Eve, although Genesis does say it was guarded by God’s cherubim angels. There has also been a view held that if an angel is not mentioned by name in the Old Testament, it is St. Michael! If that is accurate, he was very active throughout the Old Testament.
3 Verses About Angels with Swords
All three verses below about angels with swords are from the Old Testament Bible.
The Book of Joshua
This verse is about the Commander Angel, the commander of the army of the LORD.
While Joshua was near Jericho, he raised his eyes and saw one who stood facing him, drawn sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you one of us or one of our enemies?” Joshua 5:13
The Book of First Chronicles
David, who had slayed the giant Goliath, was fearful of the sword of the angel.
But David could not go into his presence to inquire of God, for he was fearful of the sword of the angel of the LORD. 1 Chronicles 21:30
The Book of Daniel
The angel with sword in hand in one of the last passages in the Book of Daniel.
“Under an oak,” he said. “Your fine lie has cost you also your head,” said Daniel; “for the angel of God waits with a sword to cut you in two so as to destroy you both.” Daniel 13:59
11. St. Michael the Archangel Feast Day
Praise Him, all you His angels. Psalms 148:2a

The Feast Day of the Archangels is September 29
The Feast Day for St. Michael the Archangel is September 29. The feast day originated honoring St. Michael for centuries. The other two named angels in the Bible, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, were celebrated on different days of the year. Earlier this century, the three archangel days were unified on the feast day of September 29th.
“There was silence in heaven when the dragon fought with Michael the archangel. – Then I heard a loud voice crying out: Salvation, glory and power belong to the almighty God.” Source: From the Liturgy of the Hours, Volume IV p.1435
12. God’s Archangels in the Bible
For the Lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

Characteristics of Archangels
Q. Mention some Archangels and tell what they did. A. The Archangel Michael drove Satan out of heaven; the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Blessed Virgin that she was to become the Mother of God. The Archangel Raphael guided and protected Tobias. Source: The Baltimore Catechism
Seven Archangels of God
In the Book of Tobit, the archangel Raphael mentions that he is one of seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. Only three of the seven are named in the Bible: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. There are, however, a number of symbolic references to the seven archangels in the Bible. According to St. Lawrence of Brindisi, who is a Doctor of the Church, the seven archangels are symbolized by such things as the seven stars in the right hand of God and the seven torches in Revelation.
Seven flaming torches burned in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God. Revelation 4:5b
Other Characteristics of Archangels
- Archangels announce the plans of God.
- Archangels are charged to protect God’s people.
- Archangels are ready to guide and direct God’s people.
- Archangels can present personal and family prayers before God.
- Archangel translates as “chief angel” in Greek.
- Archangels are members of one of the nine (9) choirs of angels.
- Archangels are generally known as the 8th of the 9th or the second lowest rank.
- Archangels are known by the following three: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
- The word archangel only appears twice in the Bible (1 Thes 4:16 and Jude 1:9).
- St. Michael and the archangels function as God’s messengers.
“Those who deliver messages of lesser importance are called angels; and those who proclaim messages of supreme importance are called archangels.” + St. Gregory
The 2 Archangel Verses in the Bible
# | Reference | Description | Verse |
1. | Christ’s Return | The voice / archangel / trumpet of God… | 1 Thess 4:16 |
2. | Warrior Angel | Michael / contended with the devil… | Jude 1:9 |
13. St. Michael the Archangel Prayer
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

The Prayer of St. Michael
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel PDF: St. Michael Prayer
In response to the rise of evil in the world, Pope Leo XIII prudently instructed the Church in 1886 to pray his Prayer to St. Michael at the end of every Mass.
Many parishes, recognizing the magnitude of the spiritual warfare going on within the Church and in the world we live in today, are zealously opting to pray Pope Leo XXIII’s powerful St. Michael the Archangel Prayer at the end of the Mass.
“And from this the Mass derives its name … the deacon on festival days ‘dismisses’ the people at the end of the Mass, by saying: ‘Ite, missa est,’ that is, the victim, Jesus, has been sent to God through the angel, so that it may be accepted by God.” + St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Michael, Defend Us in Battle…
Let us pray for St. Michael’s intercession to defend us in battle. Amen!
Then war broke out in heaven; Michael his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world, was thrown down to earth, and its angels were thrown down with it. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night. They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; love for life did not deter them from death. Therefore, rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them. Revelation 12:7-12a