The rosary is a devotional prayer based on Scripture. It’s a prayer that honors the Blessed Virgin Mary. The rosary contains the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, Glory Be, O my Jesus, and Hail Holy Queen. The rosary focuses on the essential mysteries of the Gospels: Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious. The prayer takes about twenty minutes to pray, and it allows contemplation about the life of Jesus Christ. The rosary has been prayed and venerated by the saints of the Catholic Church throughout the centuries.

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
“All generations will call me blessed”: “The Church’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship.” The Church rightly honors “the Blessed Virgin with special devotion. From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin has been honored with the title of ‘Mother of God,’ to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and needs…. This very special devotion … differs essentially from the adoration which is given to the incarnate Word and equally to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and greatly fosters this adoration.” The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an “epitome of the whole Gospel,” express this devotion to the Virgin Mary. Source: CCC 971
The Blessed Virgin Mary has given us a great weapon in the rosary. Pray it. Live it. Amen!

Rosary Promotion by Our Lady
And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” Luke 1:46
Our Lady of America
“Making the rosary a family prayer is very pleasing to me. I ask that all families strive to do so. But be careful to say the Rosary with great devotion, meditating on each mystery and striving to imitate in your daily lives the virtues depicted. Live the mysteries of the rosary as I lived them, and it will become a chain binding you to me forever. They who are found in the circle of my rosary will never be lost. I myself will lead them at death to the throne of my Son, to be eternally united to Him.” + Our Lady of America

Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche
“You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.” + Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche
“When you say your Rosary, the angels rejoice, the Blessed Trinity delights in it, my Son finds joy in it too, and I myself am happier than you can possibly guess. After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is nothing in the Church that I love as much as the Rosary.” + Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche
Our Lady to St. Dominic
“Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?…I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the battering ram has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation stone of the New Testament.” + Our Lady to St. Dominic
“If you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Rosary.” + Our Lady to St. Dominic
“When you give a sermon, urge people to say my Rosary, and in this way your words will bear much fruit for souls.” + Our Lady to St. Dominic
“One day through the Rosary and the Scapular I will save the world.” + Our Lady to St. Dominic
Our Lady of Fatima

“Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and an end to war.” + Our Lady of Fatima
“Jesus wants to use you to make Me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it; these souls will be dear to God, like flowers put by Me to adorn his throne.” + Our Lady of Fatima
“Continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, because only she can obtain it.” + Our Lady of Fatima
“Continue to pray the Rosary every day.” + Our Lady of Fatima
Rosary Promotion by the Saints
The victor will inherit these gifts, and I shall be his God, and he will be my son. Revelation 21:7

St. Charles Borromeo
“The Rosary is the most divine of devotions.” + St. Charles Borromeo
St. Francis Borgia
“I have great doubts about the salvation of those who do not have special devotion to Mary.” + St. Francis Borgia
Marian Devotion of Church Fathers
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Acts 2:42

St. Ambrose
“Think often of the Blessed Virgin with love. Those who have received the grace to do so, possess a great sign for predestination.” + St. Ambrose
St. Augustine
“Through Mary, the miserable obtain Mercy, the graceless find grace, and sinners receive pardon.” + St. Augustine
St. Basil
“O sinners, be not discouraged but have recourse to Mary in all your necessities. Call her to your assistance, for you will always find her ready to help. It is God’s will that she should help in every need.” + St. Basil the Great
St. Isidore
“The name Mary means light or star of the sea. For it was Mary who brought forth the Eternal Light, Jesus Christ!” + St. Isidore of Seville
Rosary Promotion of Church Doctors
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. James 3:18

St. Alphonsus Liguori
“If we want to help the souls in purgatory then we should say the rosary for them because the rosary gives them great relief.” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
“Whoever bears the mark of devotion to Mary, God recognizes as His own.” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
“The rosary should be said with devotion.” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
“It is more efficacious to say the Rosary in company with others, than to say it alone.” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
“Just as men fall to the ground when a bolt of lightning strikes near them, so the devils quake when they hear Mary’s name.” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
“The immense good that this noble devotion (the rosary) has done to the world is well known. How many, by its means, have been delivered from sin! How many led to a holy life! How many to a good death, and are now saved!” + St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Anthony of Padua
“How beautiful you are in soul and resplendent in body, Mary, my Mother. In this world, the Blessed Virgin was poor and unknown, but in heaven, she is glorious and beautiful, the Queen of Angels.” + St. Anthony of Padua
St. Bonaventure
“Those who enjoy the favor of Mary are recognized by the citizens of heaven. And those that bear her stamp, that is, those that have the grace to be her servants, are inscribed in the Book of Life.” + St. Bonaventure
“Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.” + St. Bonaventure
St. Francis de Sales
“Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.” + St. Francis de Sales
“Those who want to prevent their heart from being pervaded by the evils of earth should entrust it to the Blessed Virgin, our Lady and our Mother. They will then regain it in heaven, freed from all evils.” + St. Francis de Sales
“The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.” + St. Francis de Sales

St. John Damascene
“Our Lady is rest for those who work, consolation for those who weep, medicine for the sick, a harbor for those assailed by tempests, pardon for sinners, sweet relief for the sad, succor for those who implore.” + St. John Damascene
“To serve Mary and to be her courtier is the greatest honor we can possibly possess. For to serve the Queen of Heaven is already to reign on high, and to live under her commands is a greater thing than to govern!” + St. John Damascene
“We today also remain near you, O Lady. Yes, I repeat O Lady, Mother of God and Virgin. We bind our souls to your hope, as to a most firm and totally unbreakable anchor, consecrating to you mind, soul, body, and all our being and honoring you, as much as we can, with psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles.” + St. John Damascene
“Devotion to you, O Blessed Virgin, is a means of salvation which God gives to those whom he wishes to save.” + St. John Damascene

St. Peter Damian
“May we deserve to have the help of your intercession in heaven, because as the Son of God has deigned to descend to us through you, so we must also come to Him with you.” + St. Peter Damian
St. Thomas Aquinas
“The Blessed Virgin never committed any actual sin- not even a venial one. Otherwise, she would not have been a Mother worthy of Jesus. The Son would have shared the ignominy of the Mother, for He would have had a sinner for His Mother.” + St. Thomas Aquinas
“The Blessed Virgin Mary is called the Star of the Sea. Those who sail the ocean seas are guided to the port they seek by carefully observing the stars. In the same way, Christians are guided to heavenly glory by keeping their eyes on Mary.” + St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Bernard
“The Hail Mary puts the devil to flight and causes Hell to Tremble with terror.” + St. Bernard
“I salute thee, Mary.” + St. Bernard
Rosary Promotion of Founders
Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. Matthew 7:24

Blessed Alan de la Roche
“The Holy Rosary is the storehouse of countless blessings.” + Blessed Alan de la Roche
St. Vincent Palotti
“Those who have great devotion to Mary not only will be saved, but also will, through her intercession, become great Saints. Furthermore, their holiness will grow from day to day.” + St. Vincent Pallotti
Rosary Promotion of Popes
And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

Pope Adrian
“The rosary is the scourge of the devil.” + Pope Adrian VI
Pope Gregory
“The Rosary is a wonderful instrument for the destruction of sin, the recovery of God’s grace, and the advancement of His glory.” + Pope Gregory XII
“The Rosary is a miraculous means; the most capable one amongst other means, to destroy sin and regain divine grace.” + Pope Gregory XVI
” We are confident this prayer, so conducive to giving honor to the Blessed Virgin in all places and at all times, will not only continue to spread more and more everywhere because of its simplicity, but also because made more powerful by so close a union among those who pray, it will be most favorably accepted by God. ” + Pope Gregory XVI

Pope Julius
“The rosary is the glory of the Church.” + Pope Julius III
Pope John
“The Rosary is a magnificent and universal prayer for the needs of the Church, the nations and the entire world.” + St. Pope John XXIII
“The Rosary is a school for learning true Christian perfection.” + St. Pope John XXIII
“May the Rosary never fall from your hands.” + Pope John XXIII

Pope Leo
“The devil is always looking for someone to devour. In the same way, Mary is always looking for someone she can help in any way.” + St. Pope Leo I
“That old custom of our forefathers ought to be preserved or else restored, according to which Christian families assemble before a figure of Our Lady and alternately recite the Rosary.” + St. Pope Leo XIII
“The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying.” + St. Pope Leo XIII
“It is mainly to expand the kingdom of Christ that we look to the rosary for the most effective help.” + St. Pope Leo XIII
“It is Our desire that in the principal church of each diocese the rosary should be recited every day, and in parish churches on every feast-day.” + St. Pope Leo XIII
“Among the different ways of praying, there is none more excellent than the Rosary. It condenses into itself all the worship that is due to Mary. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings.” + St. Pope Leo XIII
“We earnestly exhort all Christians to give themselves to the recital of the pious devotion of the Rosary publicly, or privately in their own house and family, and that unceasingly.” + Pope Leo XIII
” A powerful means of rendering our courage will undoubtedly be found in the Holy Rosary”. + St. Pope Leo XIII

Pope John Paul
“The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and its depth. In the prayer we repeat many times the words that the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel, and from her kinswoman Elizabeth.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“How beautiful is the family that recites the Rosary every evening.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“The Rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and a theologically rich in Biblical content. I beg you to pray it.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“Through Mary, we come to her Son more easily.” + St. Pope John Paul II
The Rosary is my favorite prayer. + St. Pope John Paul II
“How beautiful is the family that recites the Rosary every evening!” + St. Pope John Paul II
“It could be objected that the Rosary seems hardly suited to the taste of children and young people of today. But perhaps the objection is directed to an impoverished method of praying it. Why not try it? With God’s help, a pastoral approach to youth which is positive, impassioned and creative – as shown by the World Youth Days! – is capable of achieving quite remarkable results. If the Rosary is well presented, I am sure that young people will once more surprise adults by the way they make this prayer their own and recite it with the enthusiasm typical of their age group.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“Mary is the sure path to our meeting with Christ. Devotion to the Mother of the Lord, when it is genuine, is always an impetus to a life guided by the spirit and values of the Gospel.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“Dear young people, do not be ashamed to recite the Rosary alone, while you walk along the streets to school, to the university or to work, or as you commute by public transport. Adopt the habit of reciting it among yourselves, in your groups, movements and associations. Do not hesitate to suggest that it be recited at home by your parents and brothers and sisters, because it rekindles and strengthens the bonds between family members. This prayer will help you to be strong in your faith, constant in charity, joyful and persevering in hope.” + St. Pope John Paul II
“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!” + St. Pope John Paul II
Pope Nicholas
“The Rosary is the tree of life which raises the dead, heals the diseased, and preserves those who are in health.” + Pope Nicholas V
Pope Paul
“Therefore we are sure that Our Children and all their brethren throughout the world will turn the Rosary into a school for learning true perfection, as, with a deep spirit of recollection, they contemplate the teachings that shine forth from the life of Christ and of Mary Most Holy.” + Pope Paul XXIII

Pope Pius
“The Holy Rosary was given to the Faithful in order that they might have spiritual peace and consolation more easily.” + St. Pope Pius V
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” + Pope Pius IX
“Among all the devotions approved by the Church none has been so favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the Most Holy Rosary” + Pope Pius IX
“Of all prayers the Rosary is the most beautiful and the richest in graces; of all it is the one which is most pleasing to Mary, the Virgin Most Holy. Therefore, love the Rosary and recite it every day with devotion: this is the testament which I leave unto you so that you may remember me by it.” + St. Pope Pius X
“If you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary.” + St. Pope Pius X
“The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin…If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary. Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors.” + Pope Pius XI

“Among the various supplications with which we successfully appeal to the Virgin Mother of God, the Holy Rosary without doubt occupies a special and distinct place. This prayer, which some call the Psalter of the Virgin or Breviary of the Gospel and of Christian life, was described and recommended by Our Predecessor of happy memory, Leo XIII” + Pope Pius XI
“The rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight, to preserve integrity of life, to acquire virtue more easily, and in a word to attain real peace.” + Pope Pius XI
“The fathers and mothers of families particularly must give an example to their children, especially when, at sunset, they gather after the day’s work, within the domestic walls, and recite the Holy Rosary on bended knees before the image of the Virgin.” + Pope Pius XI
“If our age in its pride laughs at and rejects Our Lady’s Rosary, a countless legion of the most saintly men of every age and of every condition have not only held it most dear and have most piously recited it but have also used it at all times as a most powerful weapon to overcome the devil, to preserve the purity of their lives, to acquire virtue more zealously, in a word, to promote peace among men.” + Pope Pius XI
“We do not hesitate to affirm again publicly that we put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils of our times” + Pope Pius XII
“There is no surer means of calling down God’s blessings upon the family… than the daily recitation of the Rosary.” + Pope Pius XII
“The home of the Christian family, like that of Nazareth, will become an earthly abode of sanctity, and, so to speak, a sacred temple, where the Holy Rosary will not only be the particular prayer which every day rises to heaven in an odor of sweetness, but will also form the most efficacious school of Christian discipline and Christian virtue.” + Pope Pius XII
“Devotion to the Blessed Virgin in no way detracts from the Glory of God. Rather, it leads us directly back to that Author of all good, Who has willed her to be so great and so pure.” + Pope Pius XII
“We put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils which afflict our times.” + Pope Pius XII
“The flowers of the Rosary never perish.” + Pope Pius XII
Rosary Promotion of Priests
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was conferred on you through the prophetic word with the imposition of hands of the presbyterate. 1 Timothy 4:14

St. Cajetan
“Ask the Virgin Mary to give you her Son, who in the blessed sacrament of the altar is truly the food of your soul.” + St. Cajetan
St. John Bosco
“We find ourselves on earth as in a tempestuous sea, a desert, and a vale of tears. But Mary is the Star of the Sea, the Solace of our desert, and the Light that guides us to heaven.” + St. John Bosco
St. John Eudes
“A man is no true Christian if he has no devotion to the Mother of Jesus Christ.” + St. John Eudes
St. John Vianney
“Humility is to the various virtues what the chain is in a rosary. Take away the chain, and the beads are scattered; remove humility and all virtues vanish.” + St. John Vianney
“Do you know the surest way to learn the will of God ? It is the way of prayer to our good Mother Mary!” + St. John Vianney
“If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave you.” + St. John Vianney
“The Ave Maria is a prayer that is never wearisome.” + St. John Vianney
“All the saints have a great devotion to Our Lady; no grace comes from heaven without passing through her hands.” + St. John Vianney
St. Josemaria Escriva
“Say the Holy Rosary. Blessed be that monotony of Hail Mary’s which purifies the monotony of your sins!” + St. Josemaria Escriva
“The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results.” + St. Josemaria Escriva
“You always leave the Rosary for later, and you end up not saying it at all because you are sleepy. If there is no other time, say it in the street without letting anybody notice it. It will, moreover, help you to have presence of God.” + St. Josemaria Escriva
“If you say the Holy Rosary every day, with a spirit of faith and love, our Lady will make sure she leads you very far along her Son’s path.” + St. Josemaria Escriva
“Say the Holy Rosary. Blessed be that monotony of Hail Mary’s which purifies the monotony of your sins!” + St. Josemaria Escriva
St. Louis De Montfort
“The Rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God.” + St. Louis De Montfort
“When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins, you shall receive a never fading crown of glory. For even if you are now on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil…sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul. If–you say the Rosary devoutly every day of your life.” + St. Louis De Montfort
“The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“No prayer is more meritorious for the soul and more glorious for Jesus and Mary than a well recited Rosary. ” + St. Louis De Montfort
“The heretics, all of whom are children of the devil and clearly bear the sign of God’s reprobation, have a horror of the Hail Mary. They still say the Our Father but never the Hail Mary; they would rather wear a poisonous snake around their necks than wear a scapular or carry a rosary.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“When the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, He flies to it. He enters therein and communicates Himself to that soul with abundance.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“The Holy Rosary is not just a conglomeration of our Fathers and Hail Marys, But on the contrary it is a Divine Summary of the Mysteries of the Life, Passion, Death, and Glory of Jesus and Mary.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“The Hail Mary well said – that is, with attention, devotion, and modesty – is, according to the saints, the enemy of the devil which puts him to flight, and the hammer which crushes him. It is the sanctification of the soul, the joy of the angels, the melody of the predestinate, the canticle of the New Testament, the pleasure of Mary, and the glory of the most Holy Trinity.” + St. Louis de Montfort
“Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.” + St. Louis de Montfort
Rosary Promotion of Religious
The LORD said to Moses: Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When men or women solemnly take the nazirite vow to dedicate themselves to the LORD. Numbers 6:1-2

St. Anselm
“It is impossible to save one’s soul without devotion to Mary and without her protection.” + St. Anselm
St. Bernadette
“In the evening when you go to sleep, hold your beads, doze off reciting them. Do like those babies who go to sleep mumbling ‘Mamma! Mamma!'” + St. Bernadette
Sister Lucia
“There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.” + Sister Lucia, of the Seers of Fatima
“My impression is that the Rosary is of the greatest value not only according to the words of Our Lady of Fatima, but according to the effects of the Rosary one sees throughout history. My impression is that Our Lady wanted to give ordinary people, how might not know how to pray, this simple method of getting closer to God.” + Sister Lucia, of the Seers of Fatima
“Let people say the rosary every day. Our Lady stated that repeatedly in all her apparitions, as if to fortify us against these times of diabolical disorientation, so that we would not allow ourselves to be deceived by false doctrines…” + Sr. Lucia, of the Seers of Fatima
St. Peter Canisius
“While remaining the mother of our Judge, Mary is a mother to us, full of mercy. She constitutes our protection. She keeps us close to Christ, and she faithfully takes the matter of our salvation into her charge.” + St. Peter Canisius
St. Francis of Assisi
“When we speak the name of Mary, heaven becomes more beautiful, and earth rejoices. The demons are terrified, and vanish like dust in the wind.” + St. Francis of Assisi
St. Bernadine of Siena
“The Blessed Virgin Mary has the power of delivering souls from purgatory by her prayers, and by applying her merits for them. This is especially true for souls that were devoted to her on earth.” + St. Bernadine of Siena
“You must know that when you ‘hail’ Mary, she immediately greets you! Don’t think that she is one of those rude women of whom there are so many—on the contrary, she is utterly courteous and pleasant. If you greet her, she will answer you right away and converse with you!” + St. Bernardine of Siena

St. Dominic
“One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.” + St. Dominic
“After the Divine Office and the Holy Mass, no homage is as agreeable to Jesus and His Divine Mother as the fervent prayer of the Holy Rosary, since the work of salvation began with the Angelic Salutation (Hail Mary) the Salvation of each one of us in particular is attached to this prayer.” + St. Dominic
St. Maximilian Kolbe
“Those who belong to Mary should do all they can to win the hearts of others to her. And Mary will enlighten those hearts, enkindle them with the love of her Maternal Heart, and inflame them with the fire of charity that burns in the Divine Heart of Jesus.” + St. Maximilian Kolbe
“If anyone does not wish to have Mary Immaculate for his Mother, he will not have Christ for his Brother.” + St. Maximilian Kolbe
“The scapular, the rosary, and the Miraculous Medal: here are three things that the Immaculata herself deigned to offer for the salvation of mankind.” + St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Padre Pio
“Love our Lady, make others love her. Always say your Rosary and say it well. Satan always tries to destroy this prayer, but he will never succeed. It is the prayer of her who triumphs over everything and everyone.” + St. Padre Pio
“The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” + St. Padre Pio
“Our Lady has never refused me a grace through the recitation of the rosary.” + St. Padre Pio
“Do not fear the enemy; he will not launch anything against the little ship of your spirit because Jesus is the helmsman and Mary is the star.” + St. Padre Pio
“Let us bind ourselves tightly to the Sorrowful Heart of our heavenly Mother and reflect on its boundless grief and how precious is our soul.” + St. Padre Pio
“Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” + St. Padre Pio
“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!” + St. Padre Pio
“Her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” + St. Padre Pio
“In all the free time you have, once you have finished your duties of state, you should kneel down and pray the Rosary. Pray the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament or before a crucifix.” + St. Padre Pio
“Always stay close to this Heavenly Mother, because she is the sea to be crossed to reach the shores of Eternal Splendor.” + St. Padre Pio
St. Therese of Lisieux
“Do not be afraid to love the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her enough. And Jesus will be very happy, because the Blessed Virgin is His Mother.” + St. Therese of Lisieux
“The Rosary is a long chain that links heaven and earth.” + St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Charbel
“Arm yourself with the Rosary, for the name of the Virgin Mary dispels the darkness and crushes evil.” + St. Charbel
Rosary Promotion for the Church
Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught. 2 Thessalonians 2:15

St. Anthony Mary Claret
“When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better.” + St. Anthony Mary Claret
“It can be said the the rosary is a compendium of our holy religion.” + St. Anthony Mary Claret
“Have you said the rosary every day with devotion?” + St. Anthony Mary Claret
“I have found that another powerful means for doing good was giving away rosaries and teaching people how to use them.” + St. Anthony Mary Claret
Bishop Hugh Boyle
“No one can live continually in sin and continue to say the Rosary: either they will give up sin or they will give up the Rosary ” + Bishop Hugh Boyle
“Those who say the Rosary frequently and fervently will gradually grow in grace and holiness and will enjoy the special protection of Our Lady and the abiding friendship of God.” + Bishop Hugh Boyle
Blessed Fulton Sheen
“The Rosary is the best therapy for these distraught, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated souls, precisely because it involves the simultaneous use of three powers: the physical, the vocal, and the spiritual, and in that order.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“There just are no words to describe the power of the Rosary.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“Because the rosary is both a mental and a vocal prayer, it is one where intellectual elephants may bather, and the simple birds may also sip.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“If you wish to convert anyone to the fullness of the knowledge of Our Lord and of His Mystical Body, then teach him the Rosary. One of two things will happen. Either he will stop saying the Rosary — or he will get the gift of faith.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“In the rosary, we not only say the prayers, we think them.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
“The power of the rosary is beyond description.” + Blessed Fulton Sheen
Father Patrick Peyton
“If families give Our Lady fifteen minutes a day by reciting the Rosary, I assure them that their homes will become, by God’s grace, peaceful places. + Father Patrick Peyton
“The family that prays together stays together.” + Father Patrick Peyton

Rosary Promotion for Victory
A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1
“It was not courage, not arms, not leaders, but Mary of the Rosary that made us victors.” + Venetian Senators after Battle of Lepanto