Massah and Meribah are desert wilderness locations where the ancient Israelites received mercy from God. Meribah was located in the Sinai wilderness while the location of Massah is uncertain. In both instances, Moses was there to lead his people and intercede for them to God. In some ways Moses succeeded while in other ways he failed.
Overview of Massah and Meribah
Description | Massah | Meribah |
Meaning | (Hebrew) “Testing” | (Hebrew) “Contention” |
Pronunciation | Mass-ah | Mehr-ih-bah |
Location | Desert wilderness | Sinai wilderness |
Who was there | Moses and the Israelites | Moses and the Israelites |
What happened | Water flowed from a rock | Water flowed from a rock |
Miracle readings | Exodus 17:1-7 | Numbers 20:2-13 |
Numbers | Not mentioned | 20:24; 27:14 |
Deuteronomy | 6:16; 8:15; 9:22; 33:8 | 8:15; 32:51; 33:8 |
Psalms | 95:8; 114:8 | 81:8; 95:8; 106:32; 114:8 |
Isaiah | 48:21 | 48:21 |
Gospels | Mt 4:7; Lk 4:12 | Mt 4:7; Lk 4:12 |
1 Corinthians | 10:4 | 10:4 |
Hebrews | 3:7-19 | 3:7-19 |
Massah and Meribah in the Book of Exodus
It should be noted Massah and Meribah were both mentioned at the miracle site in Exodus, while the Book of Numbers mentions only Meribah. Certainly, the Lord was with Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites there as well. Consider the words of Jesus:
Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst. John 4:14a
3 Massah and Meribah Lessons From the Old Testament
There is much to be learned from Old Testament. In this post, we will review 3 lessons about what happened at Massah and Meribah. God’s presence was there.
Massah and Meribah Lesson #1
God tested the Israelites in the wilderness.

At the waters of Meribah I tested you. Psalms 81:8b
God Tests the People He Loves
God has been known throughout the Bible to test and scourge the very people He loves. Think about the terrible suffering Job and Tobit went through. Or consider the patriarchs in Genesis such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob from the words of Judith:
Recall how God dealt with Abraham, and how He tested Isaac, and all that happened to Jacob in Syrian Mesopotamia while he was tending the flocks of Laban, his mother’s brother. Judith 8:26
Give Thanks to God in All Things
Judith goes on to say (as does St. Paul in the New Testament) to give thanks to God for everything He gives us, whether it be good or evil. As His chosen people, God tested the Israelites’ faith in the desert wilderness. God does the same with us today.
The testing, admonishing, and scourging by God is meant to lead you to holiness.
“God wishes to test you like gold in a furnace.” + St. Jerome Emiliani
Massah and Meribah Lesson #2
The Israelites tested God in the wilderness.

You shall not put the LORD, your God, to the test, as you did at Massah. Deuteronomy 6:16
God is Displeased with Lack of Faith in Him
The Israelites tested God at Massah and Meribah. They were without water, and they were thirsty. Instead of praying to the Most High God for relief, they grumbled, quarreled, and they even became hostile towards Moses, wanting answers.
Why have you brought us up out of Egypt, only to bring us to this wretched place? Numbers 20:5a
No Grumbling or Complaining before God
God wants us to cast our cares upon Him in prayer. He does not want murmuring, complaining, and the like. All of these signify a lack of faith in God. When the Israelites grumbled and demanded to know “why” this suffering was upon them, it was Moses who fervently interceded for them before the Lord for mercy.
Moses cried out to the LORD, “What shall I do with this people? A little more and they will stone me!” Exodus 17:4
Turn Grumbling into Thanks and Praise
I recently heard a Catholic spiritual warfare expert mention on a podcast he overcame the habit of swearing in speech by praying the Divine Praises aloud. Should you find yourself grumbling, think of the good that comes forth from all that God gives us in this life. In your own wilderness of suffering, lift up prayers to the Lord.
Oh, that today you would hear his voice: Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the desert. There your ancestors tested me. Psalms 95:8-9a
Massah and Meribah Lesson #3
Moses brought forth water from a rock.

Then, raising his hand, Moses struck the rock twice with his staff, and water came out in abundance, and the community and their livestock drank. Numbers 20:11
Water Came Out in Abundance
The water flowing out of the rock prefigures holy water in the sacrament of baptism.
Water Flowed from the Rock
Moses struck the rock twice with his staff, and water came out in abundance. Numbers 20:11a
Water Flowed from Christ’s Side
One soldier thrust his lance into His side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. John 19:34
The symbolism of water signifies the Holy Spirit’s action in Baptism. CCC694
Learn from Moses at Massah and Meribah
There are two (2) separate occasions where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water flowed out. The book of Exodus mentions this event happening at the waters of Massah and Meribah, while Numbers mentions only the waters of Meribah.
We will assume the the first occasion in Exodus happened at the waters of Massah.
Moses Obeyed God at Massah
Moses did what the Lord asked of Him at the waters of Massah. The Lord told Moses to strike the rock with his staff, and Moses did as God commanded Him to do.
The Lord answered Moses…strike the rock, and the water will flow from it for the people to drink. Moses did this. Exod 17:5a – 6b
Moses Disobeyed God at Meribah
The Lord said to Moses…command the rock to yield its waters…raising his hand, Moses struck the rock twice with his staff, and water came out in abundance…Num 20:7, 8b, 11b
Moses did not do what the Lord asked of Him at Meribah. Moses was supposed to “command the rock to yield its waters” before the assembled community, but instead, Moses struck the rock with his staff, twice. The lesson here is to do God’s will.
His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.” John 2:5