The miracle of Jesus walking on water in the presence of His disciples is one of the most popular miracles he performed during his public ministry. The miracle account is mentioned in 3 of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and John. Why did Jesus do this, and what did the miracle signify? We will consider the amazing miracle in this post.
Overview of Jesus Walking on Water
Reference | Description |
Occurence | After the Miracle Feeding of 5,000 people |
When | Fourth watch of the night (3:00 am – 6:00 am) |
Where | Sea of Galilee |
Original Destination | Bethsaida (St. Mark) |
Actual Destination | Gennesaret (Mt 14:34; Mk 6:54) |
Actual Destination | Capernaum (Jn 6:24) |
Old Testament Symbolism | Burning Bush (Divine Identity “I AM”) |
Old Testament Symbolism | Treading of the Sea (God’s sovereignty) |
Prayer | Importance of private prayer |
God | Theophany of God (manifestation) |
Identity | Divine identity of Jesus (Son of God) |
Authority | Authority of Jesus over Nature |
Symbolism | Boat is symbolic of the Church |
Peter | Peter walked on water but sank due to lack of faith |
Winds | Storm is symbolic of temptation and persecution |
Faith Lesson | Faith in Jesus during the storms of life |

#1 Lesson About Jesus Walking on Water
Jesus is Lord of Authority over creation.

During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came towards His disciples, walking on the sea. Matthew 14:25
Jesus Treads the Waves of the Sea
One way that Jesus shows He is the the Lord of the natural order of the known universe is by this miracle in the gospel of Him walking on the water during the darkest watch of the night (3:00 am – 6:00 am). In this way, Jesus shows His disciples that neither darkness, nor storms, nor seas can conquer Him.
He alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the back of the sea. Job 9:8
Christ is Lord of the Heavens
The Triune God and His infinite wisdom has existed long before the beginning of creation of the known universe. Christ existed before the earth was even made.
In the heights of heaven I dwelt, and my throne was in a pillar of cloud. Sirach 24:4
Christ is Lord of the Earth
It says in the Book of Genesis that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the seas. The Spirit of God and His authority establishes order over the seas and land.
Over waves of the sea, over all the land…I held sway. Sirach 24:6
The Disciples Declare Jesus is the Son of God
The disciples witnessed Jesus walking on the sea. They witnessed Him saving Peter from drowning, and they witnessed the storm calm as soon as He got in the boat. They conclude from His authority, power, and wisdom on display that Jesus is the Son of God. When we have faith in Jesus, the storms in our life will calm with His mercy.
“I shall remember how Saint Peter at a blast of wind began to sink because of his lack of faith, and I shall do as he did: call upon Christ and pray to him for help. And then I trust He shall place His holy hand on me and in the stormy seas hold me up from drowning.” – St. Thomas More
#2 Lesson About Jesus Walking on Water
Jesus declares His Divinity to His disciples.

They had all seen him and were terrified. But at once he spoke with them, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” Mark 6:50
The Veiled Divinity of Jesus Christ
In the Gospel of St. Matthew and St. Mark, the disciples thought they were seeing a ghost walking on the sea towards them, and they were utterly terrified. Jesus gave them assurance that it was He and for them not to be afraid. Specifically, Jesus says:
“Ego Eimi”
Ego Eimi is Greek for “I am.” In this way, Jesus reveals to His disciples His divinity. What is also interesting about this is it is the same words that were spoken to Moses at the burning bush in the book of Exodus. God explains further to Moses that “I Am” is His name forever, for all generations. Think about this when we pray the Glory Be prayer:
The Glory Be Prayer
“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, Is now, And ever shall be, World without end. Amen.”
“God is the fullness of Being and of every perfection, without origin and without end. All creatures receive all that they are and have from Him; but He alone is His very being, and He is of Himself everything that He is.” Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church #213
Divinity of Jesus Declared in the Three Gospels
There are four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels because they are similar. The Gospel of John is more unique, but St. John discusses Jesus walking on water, and he also affirms: Ego Eimi.
All three “Jesus walks on water” passages affirm Jesus as saying, “It is I,” (Ego Eimi).
At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27
They had all seen him and were terrified. But at once he spoke with them, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” Mark 6:50
But he said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid.” John 6:20
#3 Lesson About Jesus Walking on Water
The miracle validates the divine identity of Jesus.

He got into the boat with them and the wind died down. They were completely astounded. Mark 6:51
The Divinity of Jesus Revealed in His Miracles
As is if seeing Jesus walking on water in stormy seas in the night’s darkest hour was not enough to startle the disciples struggling in the storm, Jesus also allows Peter to walk on the water (although Peter began to sink because of his lack of faith), Jesus saved Peter from drowning, and the storm calmed as soon as Jesus got in the boat.
After they got in the boat, the wind died down. Matthew 14:32
The Boat is Symbolic of the Church
The Bible is filled with symbolism that is to be pondered and contemplated. An example from this passage is the symbolism of the boat. The boat is symbolic of the Church. Just as Christ’s disciples experienced stormy seas in the boat, so also has the Church for over 2,000 years experienced stormy seas and struggling. Stay with Her.
“In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” – St. Boniface
More About Jesus Walking on Water

Here is a table that help provides a synopsis of the scripture passage from the three Gospels about the miracle of Jesus walking on water, Matthew, Mark, and John. All of the readings about Jesus walking on water happen immediately after the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 with the loaves which is symbolic of the holy Eucharist.
Description | Gospel Verses |
Disciples get in the boat | Mt 14:22, Mk 6:45, Jn 6:16-17 |
Jesus goes up mountain and prays | Mt 14:23, Mk 6:45, Jn 6:15 |
The boat tossed by storm’s waves | Mt 14:24, Mk 6:47-49, Jn 6:18 |
Jesus walks on water | Mt 14:25-26, Mk 6:49, Jn 6:19 |
Jesus tells disciples “It is I“ | Mt 14:27, Mk 6:50, Jn 6:20 |
Peter’s faith is tested | Mt 14:28-31 |
Jesus saves Peter | Mt 14:28-31 |
Jesus gets in the boat | Mt 14:32, Mk 6:51, Jn 6:21 |
Jesus calms the storm | Mt 14:32, Mk 6:51, Jn 6:21 |
The disciples react to Jesus | Mt. 14:33, Mk 6:52 |
Jesus and disciples arrive at the shore | Mt 14:34, Mk 6:53, Jn 6:21 |
Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all.” + St. Leo the Great