The All-knowing and Ever-present God O Lord, you search me and you know me….You discern my purpose from afar. All my ways lie open to you. Before even a word is on my lips. You know it, O Lord. Oh, where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your face? For it was you who created my being. Knit me together in my mother’s womb. Already you knew my soul, I held no secret from you. Your eyes see all my actions… Psalm 139
Heart and Soul
With all vigilance guard your heart, for in it are the sources of life. Proverbs 4:23

“If you prepare within your heart a fitting dwelling place, Christ will come and console you.” + Thomas a Kempis, religious (1380-1471 A.D.)
“Our soul has a door; it has gates.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“The Lord knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts.” + Baldwin of Canterbury, bishop (unknown – 1190 A.D.)
“You must keep your soul innocent and free from deceit.” + St. Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop (315-387 A.D.)
“Where a man’s heart is there is his treasure also.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Woe to the soul without Christ as its true pilot; drifting in the darkness, buffeted by the waves of passion, storm-tossed at the mercy of evil spirits, its end is destruction.” + St. Macarius, bishop (1482-1563 A.D.)
“Woe to the soul that does not have Christ dwelling in it; deserted and foul with the filth of the passions, it becomes a haven for all the vices.” + St. Macarius, bishop (1482-1563 A.D.)
“Woe to the soul that does not have Christ to cultivate it with care to produce the good fruit of the Holy Spirit. Left to itself, it is choked with thorns and thistles; instead of fruit it produces only what is fit for burning.” + St. Macarius, bishop (1482-1563 A.D.)
“Do not have Jesus Christ on your lips and the world in your hearts.” + St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
“The man who cleanses his heart of every created thing and every evil desire will see the image of the divine nature in the beauty of his own soul.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“For your soul’s good, make every effort to live chastely.” + St. Barnabas, apostle (unknown – 61 A.D.)
“The good and chaste soul is so happy to be filled with God that it desires to take delight in nothing else.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“The vision of God is offered to those who have purified their hearts.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“The dwelling place of our hearts is a temple sacred to the Lord.” + St. Barnabas, apostle (unknown – 61 A.D.)
“A good heart, a heart like the earth, drinks up the rain that falls on it and yields a rich harvest.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“A person’s soul should be clean, like a mirror reflecting light.” + St. Theophilus of Antioch, bishop (unknown – 181 A.D.)
“Your tongue must speak justice, the law of God must be in your heart.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“In seeing God one possesses all things.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“What mind can conceive, what words can express the great happiness of seeing God?” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Where delight and enjoyment are found, there the heart’s desire is attached.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“For a clean heart to be created, the unclean one must be crushed.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Christ says: A good tree, that is, a good heart as well as a soul inflamed with charity, can do nothing but good and holy works.” + St. Angela Merici, virgin (1470-1540 A.D.)
“Let all our dealings be in the heart, where Christ dwells, in right judgment and wise counsel.” + St. Bernard, abbot (1090-1153 A.D.)
“If by a diligent life of virtue you wash away the film of dirt that covers your heart, then the divine beauty will shine forth in you.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“How shall we show that we acknowledge Christ? By doing what he says, by not disobeying his commands, and by honoring him not only with our lips but with our whole heart and our whole mind.” + From a homily written in the second century
“When Christ came, he banished the devil from our hearts, in order to build in them a temple for himself. Let us therefore do what we can with his help, so that our evil deeds will not deface that temple.” + St. Caesarius of Arles, bishop (468-542 A.D.)
“How can anyone be aroused by empty talk if his heart is subject in the truth to God?” + Thomas A Kempis, religious (1380-1471 A.D.)
“In order to obtain eternal life, we must remain pure and keep the seal of our baptism undefiled.” + From a homily written in the second century
“Be chaste so that you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death.” + St. Stephen, martyr (969-1038 A.D.)
“Feed on goodness, and your soul will delight in its richness.” + St. Bernard, abbot (1090-1153 A.D.)
“The blessedness of seeing God is justly promised to the pure of heart.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“If you persevere in chastity and virginity, you are equal to God’s angels.” + St. Cyprian, bishop (208-258 A.D.)
“Let your heart be an altar.” + St. Peter Chrysologus, bishop (406-450 A.D.)
“Nothing is as precious as a human soul.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)