Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, Sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O Good Jesus, hear me. Within thy wounds hide me. Permit me not to be separated from thee. From the wicked foe defend me. At the hour of death call me and bid me come to thee, that with all thy saints I may praise thee forever and ever. Amen. + St. Ignatius of Loyola
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:11b
“Christ enters by the open door; he has promised to come in, and he cannot deceive.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Blessed surely in seed and blessed in the shoot, blessed in the flower, blessed in the gift, finally blessed in thanksgiving and praise, Christ, the seed of Abraham, was brought forth from the seed of David into the flesh.” + Baldwin of Canterbury, bishop (Unknown – 1190 A.D.)
“The one lying in wait for the serpent’s head is the one who was born in the likeness of Adam from the woman, the Virgin.” + St. Irenaeus, bishop (140-203 A.D.)
“When our Savior came, he appeared as a divine temple, glorious beyond any comparison, far more splendid and excellent than the older temple.” + St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (375-444 A.D.)
“The only Son of God became a son of man to make many men sons of God.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Like a bridegroom coming from his marriage chamber our God descended to earth in his incarnation, in order to be united to his Church which was to be formed of the pagan nations.” + Faustus of Riez, bishop (410-490 A.D.)
“Christ is like a bridegroom who never loses sight of his own bride; no one could ever deceive him by substituting some other woman.” + Sixth century African author
“Bringing salvation through wood and through water, Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world which he took upon himself.” + Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot (1100 – 1169 A.D.)
“Christ is both the way and the door.” + St. Bonaventure, bishop (1221-1274 A.D.)
“Christ himself, the bread from heaven, is man’s nourishment enabling him to grow in virtue, and it is Christ who quenches his thirst and gladdens him with his teaching.” + Procopius of Gaza, bishop (465-568 A.D.)
“Christ gave himself to us as the vine to the branches; apart from him we cannot have life.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Christ is the eternal splendor enlightening our minds and hearts.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Our high priest is Christ Jesus, our sacrifice is his precious body which he immolated on the altar of the cross for the salvation of all men.” + St. John Fisher, bishop and martyr (1469-1535 A.D.)
“Christ is at once priest and sacrifice, God and temple.” + St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop (467-533 A.D.)
“Himself a priest, Christ offers himself as a sacrifice to God, and he himself is God.” + Blessed Isaac of Stella, bishop (1100 – 1169 A.D.)
“Christ prays for us as our priest, he prays in us as our head, he is the object of our prayers as our God.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Beloved, Jesus Christ is our salvation, he is the high priest through whom we present our offerings and the helper who supports us in our weakness.” + St. Clement I, pope (Unknown-100 A.D.)
“And who is the master? None other than Christ, who said to his disciples: You call me teacher and master, and you are right, for so I am.” + St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop (468-533 A.D.)
“Moses raised his hands to heaven and brought down manna, the bread of angels; the new Moses raises his hands to heaven and gives us the food of eternal life.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“Jesus, our Savior, renews the circumcision of the heart for the nations who have believed in him and are washed by baptism: circumcision by the sword of his word, sharper than a two-edged sword.” + St. Aphraates, bishop (Unknown-345 A.D.)
“The Lord himself, our God Jesus Christ, is the fountain of life, and accordingly he invites us to himself as to a fountain, that we may drink.” + St. Columban, abbot (545-615 A.D.)
“Christ is the fountain of life and spiritual illumination; for from him come all these things: wisdom, life and eternal light.” + St. Columban, abbot (545-615 A.D.)
“In the first coming, Christ was our redemption; in the last, he will appear as our life; in this middle coming, he is our rest and consolation.” + St. Bernard, abbot (1090-1153 A.D.)
“The mind of Christ is the controlling influence that inspires us to moderation and goodness in our behavior.” + St. Gregory of Nyssa, bishop (335-394 A.D.)
“The sacred heart of Christ is an inexhaustible fountain and its sole desire is to pour itself out into the hearts of the humble so as to free them and prepare them to lead lives according to his good pleasure.” + St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin (1647-1690 A.D.)
“The divine heart of Christ is an abyss of lowliness to counteract our foolishness, an abyss of mercy for the wretched, an abyss of love to meet our every need.” + St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin (1647-1690 A.D.)
“Hold fast to this and never doubt it: the only begotten son, God the Word, becoming man offered himself for us to God as a fragrant offering and sacrifice.” + St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop (467-533 A.D.)
“If Christ were not true God, he would not be able to bring us healing; if he were not true man, he would not be able to give us an example.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Christ is the bond that unites us, because he is both God and man.” + St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (375-444 A.D.)
“In his first coming our Lord came in our flesh and in our weakness; in this middle coming he comes in spirit and in power; in the final coming he will be seen in glory and majesty.” + St. Bernard, abbot (1090-1153 A.D.)
“Christ fulfills his hidden life in us, hidden with him in God.” + St. John Eudes, priest (1601-1680 A.D.)
“Through Christ our gaze penetrates the heights of heaven and we see, as in a mirror, the most holy face of God.” + St. Clement I, pope (Unknown-100 A.D.)
“By the purple robe Jesus signified his kingship, by the reed he hinted at the weakness and rottenness of the devil’s power.” + Theodoret of Cyr, bishop (393-460 A.D.)
“The wickedness of the many is covered up in the holy One, and the holiness of One sanctifies many sinners.” + From a letter to Diognetus
“Through Christ we have gained access to the Father, for as Christ himself says, no one comes to the Father except through him.” + St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (375-444 A.D.)
“He who died in place of us is the one object of my quest. He who rose for our sakes is my one desire.” + St. Ignatius, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
“By his inspiration and holy breath, by keeping us from harm and providing for our needs, Jesus unites God to us and us to God.” + William of Saint Thierry, abbot (1075-1148 A.D.)
“Christ is like a rich mine with many pockets containing treasures: however deep we dig we will never find their end or their limit. Indeed, in every pocket new seams of fresh riches are discovered on all sides.” + St. John of the Cross, priest (1542-1591 A.D.)
“All that is Christ’s is yours: breath, heart, body, soul and all his faculties.” + St. John Eudes, priest (1601-1680 A.D.)
“All Christ did, all he taught, was the will of God.” + St. Cyprian, bishop and martyr (208-258 A.D.)
“Christ dwelt for nine months in the tabernacle of Mary’s womb. He dwells until the end of the ages in the tabernacle of the Church’s faith. He will dwell forever in the knowledge and love of each faithful soul.” + Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot (1100 – 1169 A.D.)
“Make room for Christ.” + Thomas a Kempis, religious (1380-1471 A.D.)
Christ’s Humility
He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:8

“In his humility Christ entered the dark regions of our fallen world, and he is glad that he became so humble for our sake, glad that he came and lived among us and shared in our nature in order to raise us up again to himself.” + St. Andrew of Crete, bishop (650-712 A.D.)
“The Lord willed to put on the form of a slave, and under this form to be fed by his own servants, out of condescension and not out of need.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“The Son of God stooped down to take up our lowliness without loss to his own glory.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Lord of the universe, Christ hid his infinite glory and took the nature of a servant.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Existing before time began, Christ began to exist at a moment in time.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Christ was not satisfied only to endure death on a cross; he chose to become poor and homeless, a beggar and naked, to be thrown into prison and suffer sickness, so that in this way too he might invite you to join him.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“Christ came into this world in human flesh not to be served, but, as he himself said, to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” + St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (375-444 A.D.)
Christ’s Love
Know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19
“Inflamed with love for us, Christ came down from heaven to redeem us.” + St. Francis of Paola, religious (1416-1507 A.D.)
“Let us not be insensible of Christ’s loving kindness. For if he had acted as we do, we would have been lost indeed.” + St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us.” + St. Teresa of Avila, virgin (1515-1582 A.D.)
“No one can equal Christ in the love he showed in laying down his life for his own poor servants. Nor can anyone equal him in sinlessness, for all men are ruled by sin, and all are victims of the fall of the first Adam.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“With eager love Christ submitted to a shameful death on the cross and by that death he gave you life, not merely human but divine.” + St. Catherine of Siena, virgin (1347-1380 A.D.)
“Christ belongs to you, but more than that, he longs to be in you, living and ruling in you, as the head lives and rules in the body.” + St. John Eudes, priest (1601-1680 A.D.)
“The law of Christ – does anything other than love more fittingly describe it?” + St. Gregory the Great, pope (540-604 A.D.)
“It was to strengthen your heart that he came to suffer and die, came to be spit upon and crowned with thorns, came to be accustomed to shameful things, yes came to be fastened to the wood of the cross.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Out of love the Lord took us to himself; because he loved us and it was God’s will, our Lord Jesus Christ gave his life’s blood for us – he gave his body for our body, his soul for our soul.” + St. Clement I, pope (Unknown – 100 A.D.)
“Christ alone will redeem man, showing love greater even than that of brothers.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“When we love as Christ loved us we become new men, heirs of the new covenant and singers of the new song.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“By the love with which Christ dies for his sheep he shows how greatly he loves his Father.” + St. Gregory the Great, pope (540-604 A.D.)
“Even though we are told that Christ has now ascended above the highest heavens – the proof, surely, of his power and godhead – his love for man will never rest until he has raised our earthbound nature from glory to glory, and made it one with his own in heaven.” + St. Andrew of Crete, bishop (650-712 A.D.)
“Strengthened with the gift of Christ’s love, let us die to sin and live for God.” + St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop (467-533 A.D.)
“The love of Christ arouses us, urges to run, and to fly, lifted on the wings of holy zeal.” + St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop (1807-1870 A.D.)
“Christ is a true friend.” + St. Teresa of Avila, virgin (1515-1582 A.D.)
Christ’s Mercy
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7
“What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ. For he is all-powerful and he tells us: My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” + St. Boniface, bishop and martyr (672-754 A.D.)
“Beyond our grasp, Christ chose to come within our grasp.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Christ willed to save people who were in danger of losing their souls, and he has been the salvation of many. When we were on the point of perishing, he came and called us.” + From a homily written in the second century
“Christ’s undefiled hands were pierced by the nails; he suffered the pain. I experience no pain, no anguish, yet by the share that I have in his sufferings he freely grants me salvation.” + From the Jerusalem Catecheses
“Christ ever refreshes us by the light of his presence insofar as we progress in our devotion to and longing for the things of heaven.” + St. Bede the Venerable, priest (672-735 A.D.)
“The blind men in Jericho, to whom Jesus came to give sight, signified the people in this world who were blinded by ignorance, to whom the Son of God came.” + Origen, priest (185-251 A.D.)
“He who makes rich is made poor; he takes on the poverty of my flesh, that I may gain the riches of his divinity.” + St. Gregory Nazianzen, bishop (329-374 A.D.)
“He who is full is made empty; he is emptied for a brief space of his glory, that I may share in his fullness.” + St. Gregory Nazianzen, bishop (329-374 A.D.)
“If you want Christ to love you and help you, you must love him and always make an effort to please him. Do not waver in your purpose, because even if all the saints and every single creature should abandon you, he will always be near you, whatever your needs.” + St. Cajetan, priest (1480-1547 A.D.)
“Christ is not satisfied with redeeming us by his blood. He also prays to the Father on our behalf.” + St. Cyprian, bishop and martyr (208-258 A.D.)
“He who stands in need of no one gave communion with himself to those who need him.” + St. Irenaeus, bishop (140-203 A.D.)
“Great is the mercy that Jesus Christ has shown us.” + From a homily written in the second century
Christ’s Suffering
He was spurned and avoided by men, a man of suffering, knowing pain. Isaiah 53:3a
“It was necessary for Christ to suffer: his passion was absolutely unavoidable.” + St. Anastasius of Antioch, bishop (559-598 A.D.)
“Of his own free will Jesus ran to meet those sufferings that were foretold in the Scriptures concerning him.” + Theodoret of Cyr, bishop (393-460 A.D.)
“Christ suffered without sin on his hands, for he committed no sin and deceit was not found on his lips.” + St. Gregory the Great, pope (540-604 A.D.)
“Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us? There was a great need, and it can be considered in a twofold way: in the first place, as a remedy for sin, and secondly, as an example of how to act.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
“Christ also calls his suffering a baptism, to show that it will effect a great cleansing of the entire world.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“It is Christ who endured every kind of suffering in all those who foreshadowed him. In Abel he was slain, in Isaac bound, in Jacob exiled, in Joseph sold, in Moses exposed to die. He was sacrificed in the Passover lamb, persecuted in David, dishonored in the prophets.” + St. Melito of Sardis, bishop (Unknown – 180 A.D.)
“On no account may any class of people despair, thinking that God has not called them. Christ suffered for all.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Take thought now, redeemed man, and consider how great and worthy is he who hangs on the cross for you.” + St. Bonaventure, bishop (1221-1274 A.D.)
Christ’s Passion
But God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
“The passion of our Savior is the salvation of mankind.” + From an Easter homily
“The passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the hope of glory and a lesson in patience.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“The earth – our earthly nature – should tremble at the suffering of its Redeemer.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“The Word made flesh lived among us, and in redeeming the whole human race, Christ gave himself entirely.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Jesus never sinned; yet he was crucified for you.” + St. Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop (315-387 A.D.)
“Christ shed his blood for our ransom and purification, so that we might be redeemed from our wretched state of bondage and cleansed from all sin.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
“Christ offered his body to God the Father on the altar of the cross as a sacrifice for our reconciliation.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
“When the soldier’s lance cut its way into Christ’s side, the price paid for the whole world flowed forth.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“In one and the same movement, our Savior’s passion raises men from the depths, lifts them up from the earth, and sets them in the heights.” + St. Maximus of Turin, bishop (380-465 A.D.)
“Jesus Christ was really persecuted under Pontius Pilate, and truly died by crucifixion, while heavenly and earthly beings and those under the earth looked on. He truly rose from the dead, being raised by his Father.” + St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
“Christ’s death brings the dead to life, but at his passing heaven and earth are plunged into mourning and hard rocks are split asunder.” + St. Bonaventure, bishop (1221-1274 A.D.)
“The reverence for the Lord’s passion means fixing the eyes of our heart on Jesus crucified and recognizing in him our own humanity.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“The death of the Lord our God should not be a cause of shame for us; rather, it should be our greatest hope, our greatest glory.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Christ intends to perfect the mysteries of his passion, death and resurrection, by causing us to suffer, die and rise again with him and in him.” + St. John Eudes, priest (1601-1680 A.D.)
“Christ was crucified for all, desiring his one death for all to give all of us life in him” + St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (375-444 A.D.)
“Unless we are ready through Christ’s power to die in the likeness of his passion, his life is not in us.” + St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
Christ’s Precious Blood
He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many. Mark 14:24
“I greet you in the blood of Jesus Christ.” + St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr (35-98 A.D.)
“For our fathers, water flowed from the rock; for you, blood flows from Christ.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Through his blood Christ has made God turn to you in mercy and has reconciled you with the Father.” + Origen, priest (185-251 A.D.)
“As God took a rib from Adam’s side to fashion a woman, so Christ has given us blood and water from his side to fashion the Church.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“The blood that was poured out for our redemption was not that of goats or calves (as in the old law) but of the most innocent lamb, Christ Jesus our Savior.” + St. John Fisher, bishop and martyr (1469-1535 A.D.)
“The wine of Christ’s blood, drawn from the many grapes of the vineyard that he had planted, is extracted in the winepress of the cross.” + St. Gaudentius of Brescia, bishop (Unknown – 410 A.D.)
“The Lord was willing to hand over his body for destruction so that by the shedding of his blood we might be made holy through the remission of our sins.” + St. Barnabas, apostle
“Christ poured out his blood for strangers, as no one is able to do for a brother.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Christ’s blood could pay the ransom for all the sins of the whole world. The person who has no debt to pay for himself is the right person to set others free.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Let us fix our attention on the blood of Christ and recognize how precious it is to God his Father, since it was shed for our salvation and brought the grace of repentance to all the world.” + St. Clement I, pope (Unknown – 100 A.D.)
“Is anyone’s blood comparable to Christ’s?” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Christ sealed our souls with his own Spirit, and the members of our body with his own blood.” + St. Melito of Sardis, bishop (Unknown – 180 A.D.)
“As a woman nourishes her child with her own blood and milk, so does Christ unceasingly nourish with his own blood those to whom he himself has given life.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“The price paid for all is the blood of Christ, that blood by which the Lord Jesus has redeemed us, he who alone has reconciled us to the Father.” + St. Ambrose, bishop (340-397 A.D.)
“Earth does not cover over the blood of our Redeemer, for every sinner, as he drinks the blood that is the price of his redemption, offers praise and thanksgiving, and to the best of his power makes that blood known to all around him.” + St. Gregory the Great, pope (540-604 A.D.)
“It is by the blood of Christ that the entire Church is saved, in the same Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom belongs glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” + Origen, priest (185-251 A.D.)
Christ’s Sacrifice
Then He took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19
“Christ really made his body a living sacrifice, because, though slain, he continues to live.” + St. Peter Chrysologus, bishop (406-450 A.D.)
“By the sacrifice of his own body Christ both put an end to the law that stood against us and made a new beginning of life for us by giving us the hope of resurrection.” + St. Athanasius, bishop (296-373 A.D.)
“Indeed, if Christ had not sacrificed himself for us, we could not offer any sacrifice.” + Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop (467-533 A.D.)
“Christ has died in order to reign in heaven.” + St. Gregory the Great, pope (540-604 A.D.)
Christ’s Victory
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33
“By dying Christ submitted to the laws of the underworld; by rising again he destroyed them.” + St. Leo the Great, pope (400-461 A.D.)
“Death slew Christ by means of the body which he had assumed, but that same body proved to be the weapon with which he conquered death.” + St. Ephrem, deacon (306-373 A.D.)
“Instead of Eve there was Mary; instead of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the wood of the cross; instead of Adam’s death, the death of Christ. Do you see then that the devil was defeated by the very means he used to conquer?” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“For our sake Christ became in your sight both victor and victim – victor, indeed, because he was victim.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Christ’s magnificence is elevated above the heavens so that he, the issue of the Lord, is splendid and glorious, the sublime fruit of earth.” + Baldwin of Canterbury, bishop (Unknown – 1190 A.D.)
Lamb of God
The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. John 1:29

“When John the Baptist said, This is the Lamb, and he baptizes in the Spirit, he left the deeper understanding of these things to be received from Christ.” + St. John Chrysostom, bishop (347-407 A.D.)
“Christ was slain as a lamb; he rose again as God.” + St. Melito of Sardis, bishop (Unknown – 180 A.D.)
Good Shepherd
I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11

“Christ came down to the earth here below in search of the sheep that was lost, the sheep that was in fact his own creature, and then ascended into the heights of heaven to offer to the Father and entrust to his care the human race that he had found again.” + St. Irenaeus, bishop (140-203 A.D.)
“I am the Good Shepherd. Surely it is fitting that Christ should be a shepherd, for just as a flock is guided and fed by a shepherd so the faithful are fed by Christ with spiritual food and with his own body and blood.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
“A flock belonging to a man feels secure in the care of its human shepherd; how much safer should we feel when our shepherd is God.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)
“Hold fast to Christ if you wish to be safe. You will not be able to go astray because he is the way.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
“Take heed: no one else is the gate but Christ.” + St. Thomas Aquinas, priest (1225-1274 A.D.)
Christ’s Return
“Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds.” Revelation 22:12

“In the first coming Christ endured the cross, despising the shame; in the second coming he will be in glory, escorted by an army of angels.” + St. Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop (315-387 A.D.)
“Christ promised that he would come but did not say when he would come, and so all generations and ages await him eagerly.” + St. Ephrem, deacon (306-373 A.D.)
“Perfect patience is to follow Christ faithfully, even to death, but for perfect knowledge we must await his coming.” + St. Augustine, bishop (354-430 A.D.)