Angels appear frequently in the Old Testament. Angels are pure spirits that minister to God in heaven, and they are sent by God to help us and protect us here on earth. Angels are mentioned in all of the Old Testament sections of the Bible: the Pentateuch, the Historical books, the Wisdom books, and the Prophetic books.
Included below are many of the verses from the Old Testament that are in reference to angels, or they are possibly in reference to angels. May God’s holy angels be with us!
The Angels of the Pentateuch
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Light | The God said: Let there be light… | Gen 1:3 |
2. | Light | God saw that the light was good… | Gen 1:4 |
3. | Light | God called the light “day”… | Gen 1:5 |
4. | Us | The God said: Let us make human beings… | Gen 1:26 |
5. | Array | Heavens and earth / array were completed… | Gen 2:1 |
6. | Cherubim | He expelled / man, stationing / cherubim… | Gen 3:24 |
7. | Sons of God | The sons of God saw how beautiful daughters… | Gen 6:2 |
8. | Angel | The LORD’s angel found her by a spring… | Gen 16:7 |
9. | Angel | But the LORD’s angel told her: Go back… | Gen 16:9 |
10. | Angel | The LORD’s angel, “that they will be too many… | Gen 16:10 |
11. | Angel | Then the LORD’s angel said / “You are now…” | Gen 16:11 |
12. | Men | Looking up, he saw three men standing… | Gen 18:2 |
13. | Angels | The two angels reached Sodom in the evening… | Gen 19:1 |
14. | Guests | Guests pulled out / hands, pull Lot inside… | Gen 19:10 |
15. | Guests | The guests said to Lot: “Who else belongs to… | Gen 19:12 |
16. | Angels | As dawn / breaking, the angels urged Lot… | Gen 19:15 |
17. | Men | When he hesitated, the men / the LORD’s… | Gen 19:16 |
18. | Lords | “Oh, no, my lords!” Lot replied to them… | Gen 19:18 |
19. | Angel | God’s angel called to Hagar from heaven… | Gen 21:17 |
20. | Angel | But the angel of the LORD called to him… | Gen 22:11 |
21. | Angel | “Do not lay your hand on the boy,” / angel… | Gen 22:12 |
22. | Angel | A second time the angel of the LORD called to… | Gen 22:15 |
23. | Angel | He will send His angel… | Gen 24:7 |
24. | Angel | The LORD / will send His angel with you… | Gen 24:40 |
25. | Angel | A stairway / God’s angels / going up… | Gen 28:12 |
26. | Angel | In the dream God’s angel said to me, ‘Jacob!’… | Gen 31:11 |
27. | Angels | Jacob continued / God angels encountered.. | Gen 32:2 |
28. | Encamp | Jacob saw / “God’s encampment…” | Gen 32:3 |
29. | Man | Jacob was left alone / then a man wrestled… | Gen 32:25 |
30. | Man | When the man saw he could not prevail… | Gen 32:26 |
31. | Man | The man then said, “Let me go / it is daybreak.”… | Gen 32:27 |
32. | Man | “What is your name?” the man asked. / Jacob… | Gen 32:28 |
33. | Man | The man / “You / no longer / named Jacob… | Gen 32:29 |
34. | He | He answered. “Why do you ask for my name?”… | Gen 32:30 |
35. | Angel | The angel who has delivered me… | Gen 48:16 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Angel | The angel of the LORD appeared to him… | Exod 3:2 |
2. | Angel | The angel of God / leading Israel’s army… | Exod 14:19 |
3. | Angel | See, I am sending an angel before you… | Exod 23:20 |
4. | Angel | My angel will go before you and bring you… | Exod 23:23 |
5. | Cherubim | Make two cherubim of beaten gold… | Exod 25:18 |
6. | Cherub | Make one cherub at one end… | Exod 25:19 |
7. | Cherubim | The cherubim shall have their wings… | Exod 25:20 |
8. | Cherubim | The two cherubim / ark of the covenant… | Exod 25:22 |
9. | Cherubim | Fine linen / w cherubim embroidered… | Exod 26:1 |
10. | Cherubim | Fine linen / w cherubim embroidered… | Exod 26:31 |
11. | Angel | See, my angel will go before you… | Exod 32:34 |
12. | Angel | I will send an angel before you… | Exod 33:2 |
13. | Cherubim | Having cherubim embroidered…. | Exod 36:8 |
14. | Cherubim | Fine linen / w cherubim embroidered… | Exod 36:35 |
15. | Cherubim | Two cherubim of beaten gold were made.. | Exod 37:7 |
16. | Cherub | One cherub was at one end / the other end… | Exod 37:8 |
17. | Cherubim | The cherubim / wings spread out above… | Exod 37:9 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Cherubim | Ark of the covenant / two cherubim… | Num 7:89 |
2. | Angel | He heard our cry and sent an angel… | Num 20:16 |
3. | Angel | The angel of the LORD took up his position… | Num 22:22 |
4. | Angel | The donkey saw the angel / LORD standing… | Num 22:23 |
5. | Angel | The angel of the LORD stood / narrow lane… | Num 22:24 |
6. | Angel | Donkey saw the angel of the LORD… | Num 22:25 |
7. | Angel | Angel of the LORD again went ahead… | Num 22:26 |
8. | Angel | Donkey saw the angel of the LORD… | Num 22:27 |
9. | Angel | He saw the angel of the LORD standing… | Num 22:31 |
10. | Angel | But the angel of the LORD said to him… | Num 22:32 |
11. | Angel | Then Balaam said to the angel / LORD… | Num 22:34 |
12. | Angel | But the angel of the LORD said to Balaam… | Num 22:35 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Host | Sun / moon / stars / heavenly host… | Deut 4:19 |
2. | Divine beings | He / boundaries / divine beings… | Deut 32:8 |
3. | Divine beings | Exult w Him / bow to Him / divine beings!… | Deut 32:43 |
4. | Gods | At His right hand advanced the gods… | Deut 33:2 |
The Angels of the Historical Books
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | One | Joshua / saw one / stood facing him / sword… | Josh 5:13 |
2. | Commander | I am the commander / army of the LORD… | Josh 5:14 |
3. | Commander | The commander of the army of the LORD… | Josh 5:15 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Messenger | A messenger of the LORD went / Gilgal… | Judg 2:1 |
2. | Messenger | When the messenger of the LORD / spoken… | Judg 2:4 |
3. | Stars | From the heavens the stars fought… | Judg 5:20 |
4. | Messenger | “Curse Meroz” / messenger of the LORD… | Judg 5:23 |
5. | Messenger | Messenger of the LORD came and sat… | Judg 6:11 |
6. | Messenger | Messenger of the LORD appeared…. | Judg 6:12 |
7. | Messenger | Messenger of God said to him… | Judg 6:20 |
8. | Messenger | Messenger of the LORD stretched out the.. | Judg 6:21 |
9. | Messenger | Gideon / messenger of the LORD… | Judg 6:22 |
10. | Angel | An angel of the LORD appeared / woman… | Judg 13:3 |
11. | Man of God | A man of God came to me… | Judg 13:6 |
12. | Angel | He had the appearance / angel of God… | Judg 13:6 |
13. | Man of God | May the man of God you sent return to us… | Judg 13:8 |
14. | Angel | And the angel of God came again / woman… | Judg 13:9 |
15. | Angel | The angel of the LORD answered Manoah… | Judg 13:13 |
16. | Angel | Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD… | Judg 13:15 |
17. | Angel | Angel of the LORD answered Manoah… | Judg 13:16 |
18. | Angel | Manoah said to the angel of the LORD… | Judg 13:17 |
19. | Angel | Angel of the LORD answered him… | Judg 13:18 |
20. | Angel | Angel of the LORD ascended in the flame… | Judg 13:20 |
21. | Angel | Angel of the LORD was seen no more… | Judg 13:21 |
1 Samuel
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Cherubim | LORD of hosts / enthroned upon the cherubim… | 1 Sam 4:4 |
2. | Angel | You are trustworthy, like an angel of God… | 1 Sam 29:9 |
2 Samuel
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Marching | When you hear the sound of marching… | 2 Sam 5:24 |
2. | Cherubim | The Lord of hosts enthroned / cherubim… | 2 Sam 6:2 |
3. | Angel | My lord the king is like an angel of God… | 2 Sam 14:17 |
4. | Angel | My lord is wise / wisdom / angel of God… | 2 Sam 14:20 |
5. | Angel | My lord the king is like an angel of God… | 2 Sam 19:28 |
6. | Cherub | Mounted on a cherub he flew… | 2 Sam 22:11 |
7. | Wings / wind | Borne along on the wings of the wind… | 2 Sam 22:11 |
8. | Angel | When the angel stretched / hand… | 2 Sam 24:16 |
9. | Angel | David saw the angel / striking / people… | 2 Sam 24:17 |
1 Kings
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Cherubim | Inner sanctuary he made two cherubim… | 1 Kgs 6:23 |
2. | Cherubim | Each wing of a cherub was five cubits… | 1 Kgs 6:24 |
3. | Cherubim | Two cherubim / identical in size and shape… | 1 Kgs 6:25 |
4. | Cherubim | The first cherub was ten cubits high… | 1 Kgs 6:26 |
5. | Cherubim | He placed / cherubim / wings / cherubim… | 1 Kgs 6:27 |
6. | Cherubim | He overlaid the cherubim with gold… | 1 Kgs 6:28 |
7. | Cherubim | Outer rooms / carved figures / cherubim… | 1 Kgs 6:29 |
8. | Cherubim | Figures / cherubim / cherubim / palm trees… | 1 Kgs 6:32 |
9. | Cherubim | He carved cherubim, palm trees / flowers… | 1 Kgs 6:35 |
10. | Cherubim | The frames / lions, oxen, / cherubim… | 1 Kgs 7:29 |
11. | Cherubim | Cherubim, lions, and palm trees / carved… | 1 Kgs 7:36 |
12. | Cherubim | The holy of holies / the wings / cherubim… | 1 Kgs 8:6 |
13. | Cherubim | Cherubim had their wings spread out… | 1 Kgs 8:7 |
14. | Angel | An angel told me / word of the LORD… | 1 Kgs 13:18 |
15. | Messenger | Suddenly a messenger touched him… | 1 Kgs 19:5 |
16. | Angel | But the angel of the LORD came back… | 1 Kgs 19:7 |
17. | Host of heaven | Whole host of heaven standing to His… | 1 Kgs 22:19 |
2 Kings
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Messenger / LORD | Messenger of the LORD said to Elijah… | 2 Kgs 1:3 |
2. | Messenger / LORD | Messenger of the LORD said to Elijah… | 2 Kgs 1:15 |
3. | Fiery chariots | Mountainside / fiery chariots / Elisha… | 2 Kgs 6:17 |
4. | Chariots / Army | Sound of chariots / a large army… | 2 Kgs 7:6 |
5. | Cherubim | God of Israel, enthroned on the cherubim… | 2 Kgs 19:15 |
6. | Angel | Night / the angel of the LORD went forth… | 2 Kgs 19:35 |
7. | Host of heaven | How bowed down to / host of heaven… | 2 Kgs 21:3 |
8. | Host of heaven | He built altars for / host of heaven… | 2 Kgs 21:5 |
1 Chronicles
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Encampment | Like God’s own encampment… | 1 Chr 12:23 |
2. | Cherubim | LORD enthroned upon the cherubim… | 1 Chr 13:6 |
3. | Destroying angel | With the LORD’s destroying angel… | 1 Chr 21:12 |
4. | Angel | Angel / angel / destroying angel… | 1 Chr 21:15 |
5. | Angel of the LORD | David / saw/ angel / LORD standing… | 1 Chr 21:16 |
6. | Angel | Angel of the LORD commanded Gad… | 1 Chr 21:18 |
7. | Angel | The LORD gave orders to the angel… | 1 Chr 21:27 |
8. | Angel of the LORD | Fearful of the sword / angel / LORD… | 1 Chr 21:30 |
9. | Cherubim | Cherubim spreading / wings and… | 1 Chr 28:18 |
2 Chronicles
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Cherubim | He engraved cherubim upon the walls.. | 2 Chr 3:7 |
2. | Cherubim | Holy of holies / he made two cherubim… | 2 Chr 3:10 |
3. | Cherubim | The wings of the cherubim spanned… | 2 Chr 3:11 |
4. | Cherub | Wing of the cherub / other cherub… | 2 Chr 3:12 |
5. | Cherubim | Combined wingspread / two cherubim… | 2 Chr 3:13 |
6. | Cherubim | He / had cherubim embroidered upon it… | 2 Chr 3:14 |
7. | Cherubim | Holy / holies / beneath / wings / cherubim… | 2 Chr 5:7 |
8. | Cherubim | The cherubim had / wings spread out… | 2 Chr 5:8 |
9. | Host of heaven | The whole host of heaven standing to His… | 2 Chr 18:18 |
10. | Angel | The LORD sent and angel, who destroyed… | 2 Chr 32:21 |
Verse Ezra 2:59 mentions “Cherub”, but it appears to be a location (not an angel).
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Heavenly Host | Highest heavens / host / heavenly host… | Neh 9:6 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Raphael | Raphael was sent to heal them… | Tob 3:17 |
2. | Angel Raphael | The angel Raphael standing… | Tob 5:4 |
3. | He (Raphael) | He replied, “Very well / not be long…” | Tob 5:8 |
4. | Raphael | Raphael / house / Tobit greeted… | Tob 5:10 |
5. | Br. (Raphael) | I / want to know, brother, whose son… | Tob 5:12 |
6. | Azariah (Raphael) | “I am Azariah, son / great Hananiah…” | Tob 5:13 |
7. | Young man (Raphael) | Young man replied: I will go w/ him… | Tob 5:16 |
8. | Brother /Angel | Blessing / brother / angel / you.. | Tob 5:17 |
9. | Good angel | For a good angel will go with him… | Tob 5:22 |
10. | Angel | Left home / accompanied / angel… | Tob 6:2 |
11. | Angel | The angel said to the young man… | Tob 6:4 |
12. | Angel | The angel then told him… | Tob 6:5 |
13. | Angel / Azariah | Young man / asked / angel / Azariah... | Tob 6:7 |
14. | Raphael | Raphael said / Raphael continued… | Tob 6:11 |
15. | Raphael / Azariah | Tobiah / Raphael / Brother Azariah… | Tob 6:14 |
16. | Raphael | Raphael said to him / remember… | Tob 6:16 |
17. | Raphael | When Tobiah / Raphael’s words… | Tob 6:18 |
18. | Azariah | Brother Azariah / bring me straight… | Tob 7:1 |
19. | Raphael / Azariah | Tobiah / Raphael / Brother Azariah… | Tob 7:9 |
20. | Raphael | Raphael / pursuit / Raphael returned… | Tob 8:3 |
21. | Raphael | Tobiah called Raphael / said to him… | Tob 9:1 |
22. | Azariah | Brother Azariah, take / with you… | Tob 9:2 |
23. | Raphael | Raphael w/ 4 servants / Raphael gave… | Tob 9:5 |
24. | Raphael | Raphael: / “we left your father… | Tob 11:2 |
25. | Raphael | Raphael said to him: “Take the gall… | Tob 11:4 |
26. | Raphael | Raphael said to Tobiah… | Tob 11:7 |
27. | Holy Angels | Blessed by all his holy angels… | Tob 11:14 |
28. | Raphael | Tobiah called Raphael and said… | Tob 12:5 |
29. | Raphael | Raphael called the two of them… | Tob 12:6 |
30. | Raphael / Angels | I am Raphael / the seven angels… | Tob 12:15 |
31. | Raphael | Raphael said / do not fear… | Tob 12:17 |
32. | I (Raphael) | I am ascending to the One… | Tob 12:20 |
33. | Angel of God | An angel of God appeared… | Tob 12:22 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Angel of God | I saw you, my lord, as an angel of God… | Esth 4:13 |
1 Maccabees
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Angel | Your angel went out and killed… | 1 Macc 7:41 |
2 Maccabees
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Spirits / Apparition | Lord of spirits / produced / apparition… | 2 Macc 3:24 |
2. | Fearsome rider | Horse / mounted / fearsome rider… | 2 Macc 3:25 |
3. | Two young men | The two / young men / strong… | 2 Macc 3:26 |
4. | Good angel | Begged / Lord / send a good angel… | 2 Macc 11:6 |
5. | Angel | You, master, sent your angel… | 2 Macc 15:22 |
6. | Good angel | Send a good angel / fear / trembling… | 2 Macc 15:23 |
The Angels of the Wisdom Books
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Sons of God | Sons of God came to present themselves… | Job 1:6 |
2. | Sons of God | Sons of God came to present themselves… | Job 2:1 |
3. | Holy ones | Which of the holy ones will you turn… | Job 5:1 |
4. | Spirit | A spirit passed before me… | Job 4:15 |
5. | Figure (Spirit) | A figure was before my eyes… | Job 4:16 |
6. | (Spirit) | Can anyone be more in the right than God? | Job 4:17 |
7. | Messengers | Even with his messengers he finds fault… | Job 4:18 |
8. | Divine messenger | If then there be a divine messenger… | Job 33:23 |
9. | Sons of God | All the Sons of God shouted for joy… | Job 38:7 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | god | You have made / less than a god... | Ps 8:6 |
2. | Cherub | Mounted on a cherub He flew… | Ps 18:11 |
3. | Host | Breath of His mouth all their host… | Ps 33:6 |
4. | Angel of the LORD | Angel of the LORD encamps / those… | Ps 34:8 |
5. | Angel of the LORD | Angel of the LORD driving them on… | Ps 35:5 |
6. | Angel of the LORD | W/ the angel of the LORD pursuing … | Ps 35:6 |
7. | Thousands | God / thousands upon thousands… | Ps 68:18 |
8. | Angels | Man ate the bread of angels… | Ps 78:25 |
9. | Messengers | A band of deadly messengers… | Ps 78:49 |
10. | Cherubim | Seated upon the cherubim, shine… | Ps 80:2 |
11. | Holy ones | Your loyalty / assembly of the holy ones… | Ps 89:6 |
12. | Sons of gods | Who is like the LORD / sons of gods… | Ps 89:7 |
13. | Holy ones | Dreaded / council of the holy ones… | Ps 89:8 |
14. | Angels | He commands his angels / w regard… | Ps 91:11 |
15. | They (angels) | With their hands they shall / you… | Ps 91:12 |
16. | gods | All gods bow down before him… | Ps 97:7 |
17. | Cherubim | Enthroned upon the cherubim… | Ps 99:1 |
18. | Angels | Bless the LORD, all you His angels… | Ps 103:20 |
19. | Hosts | Bless the LORD, all you His hosts… | Ps 103:21 |
20. | Messengers | You / winds your messengers… | Ps 104:4 |
21. | Angels | Praise him, all you his angels… | Ps 148:2 |
22 | Stars | He numbers the stars…their name… | Ps 147:4 |
23. | Hosts | Give praise, all you his hosts… | Ps 148:2 |
Song of Songs
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Heavenly beings | He is accounted among the heavenly beings… | Wis 5:5 |
1. | Holy ones | How his lot is with the holy ones… | Wis 5:5 |
2. | Holy things | Gave him knowledge of holy things… | Wis 10:10 |
3. | Angels | Nourished your people w/ food of angels… | Wis 16:20 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Hosts | God holds accountable / hosts / heavens… | Sir 17:32 |
2. | Host | In the presence of His host / of His glory… | Sir 24:2 |
3. | Hosts | God has given his hosts the strength… | Sir 42:17 |
4. | Messenger | For Him each messenger succeeds… | Sir 43:26 |
5. | Angels | God made him like the angels in honor… | Sir 45:2 |
6. | (Angel of God) | God struck the camp of the Assyrians… | Sir 48:21 |
7. | Creatures | Ezekiel / the different creatures of the chariot… | Sir 49:8 |
The Angels of the Prophetic Books
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Seraphim | Seraphim were stationed / six wings… | Isa 6:2 |
2. | One | One / Holy, holy, holy / LORD / hosts… | Isa 6:3 |
3. | Seraphim | One of the seraphim flew / ember… | Isa 6:6 |
4. | Cherubim | Lord of hosts / enthroned / cherubim… | Isa 37:16 |
5. | Angel of the LORD | Angel of the LORD went forth… | Isa 37:36 |
6. | Army | He leads / army and numbers them… | Isa 40:26 |
7. | Host | I gave the order to all their host… | Isa 45:12 |
8. | Messenger | It was not an envoy / messenger... | Isa 63:9 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Host of heaven | Just as the host of heaven cannot be numbered… | Jer 33:22 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Angel | For my angel is with you, and he will keep watch on you… | Bar 6:6 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | 4 Living Creatures | Four living creatures appeared… | Eze 1:5 |
2. | ( 4 Living Creatures) | They / human form / faces / wings… | Eze 1:6 |
3. | (4 Living Creatures) | Their legs / soles / feet / brass… | Eze 1:7 |
4. | (4 Living Creatures) | Human hands / under / wings… | Eze 1:8 |
5. | (4 Living Creatures) | Their faces / wings looked out… | Eze 1:9 |
6. | (4 Living Creatures) | Four/ human face / lion / ox / eagle… | Eze 1:10 |
7. | (4 Living Creatures) | Their wings were spread out above… | Eze 1:11 |
8. | (4 Living Creatures) | Wherever the spirit / go, they went… | Eze 1:12 |
9. | (4 Living Creatures) | Appearance / living creatures / burning… | Eze 1:13 |
10. | (4 Living Creatures) | Creatures darted / flashed / lightning… | Eze 1:14 |
11. | (4 Living Creatures) | Wheels / each / four living creatures… | Eze 1:15 |
12. | (4 Living Creatures) | Wheels / construction / sparkled / topaz… | Eze 1:16 |
13. | (4 Living Creatures) | They went in any of the four directions… | Eze 1:17 |
14. | (4 Living Creatures) | Four of them had rims / eyes filled rims… | Eze 1:18 |
15. | (4 Living Creatures) | Living creatures moved / wheels moved… | Eze 1:19 |
16. | (4 Living Creatures) | Spirit / creatures / in the wheels… | Eze 1:20 |
17. | (4 Living Creatures) | Living creatures moved / wheels moved… | Eze 1:21 |
18. | (4 Living Creatures) | Above the heads of the living creatures… | Eze 1:22 |
19. | (4 Living Creatures) | Their wings stretched out / two wings… | Eze 1:23 |
20. | (4 Living Creatures) | Sound of their wings / mighty waters … | Eze 1:24 |
21. | (4 Living Creatures) | While they stood / their wings lowered… | Eze 1:25 |
22. | Man dressed in linen | Their midst / a man dressed in linen… | Eze 9:2 |
23. | Cherub | God of Israel moved off the cherub… | Eze 9:3 |
23. | Man dressed in linen | He called to the man dressed in linen… | Eze 9:3 |
24. | Man dressed in linen | Man dressed in linen w/ scribe’s case… | Eze 9:11 |
25. | Cherubim | The heads of the cherubim / sapphire | Eze 10:1 |
26. | Cherubim | Go within the wheelwork / cherubim… | Eze 10:2 |
27. | Cherubim | Cherubim / standing / south / temple… | Eze 10:3 |
28. | Cherubim | Glory of the LORD / off the cherubim… | Eze 10:4 |
29. | Cherubim | Wings of the cherubim / heard… | Eze 10:5 |
30. | Cherubim | Fire / wheelwork / cherubim… | Eze 10:6 |
31. | Cherub | A cherub stretched out a hand… | Eze 10:7 |
31. | Cherubim | Among the cherubim toward the fire… | Eze 10:7 |
31. | One dressed in linen | In the hands / one dressed in linen.. | Eze 10:7 |
32. | Cherubim | Hand visible under / wings / cherubim… | Eze 10:8 |
33. | Cherubim | Four wheels beside the cherubim… | Eze 10:9 |
33. | Cherub | One wheel beside each cherub… | Eze 10:9 |
34. | Cherub | First cherub faced / others / followed… | Eze 10:11 |
35. | (Cherubim) | Entire bodied / covered with eyes… | Eze 10:12 |
36. | Living creature | Each living creature had four faces… | Eze 10:14 |
36. | Cherub | Had four faces / the first a cherub…. | Eze 10:14 |
37. | Cherubim | When the cherubim rose up… | Eze 10:15 |
37. | Living creatures | They were indeed / living creatures… | Eze 10:15 |
38. | Cherubim | Cherubim moved / cherubim lifted up… | Eze 10:16 |
39. | Living creatures | Spirit of the living creatures / in them… | Eze 10:17 |
40. | Cherubim | Glory of the LORD / cherubim… | Eze 10:18 |
41. | Cherubim | The cherubim lifted / wings / rose up… | Eze 10:19 |
42. | Living creatures | These / living creatures / had seen… | Eze 10:20 |
42. | Cherubim | Now I knew they were cherubim… | Eze 10:20 |
43. | (Cherubim) | Each of them / four faces and four wings… | Eze 10:21 |
44. | (Cherubim) | Their faces / I had seen / river Chebar… | Eze 10:22 |
45. | Cherubim | The cherubim lifted / wings / wheels… | Eze 11:22 |
46. | Cherub | With a cherub I placed you… | Eze 28:14 |
47. | Cherub | The cherub drove /out / fiery stones… | Eze 28:16 |
48. | Cherubim | Figures of cherubim / pair of cherubim.. | Eze 41:18 |
48. | Cherub | Each cherub had two faces… | Eze 41:18 |
49. | Cherubim | Cherubim / palm trees decorated… | Eze 41:20 |
50. | Cherubim | Cherubim / palm trees decorated… | Eze 41:25 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | The gods | The gods, who do not dwell / people… | Dan 2:11 |
2. | Angel of the Lord | The angel of the Lord went / furnace… | Dan 3:49 |
3. | Cherubim | From your throne / the cherubim… | Dan 3:55 |
4. | Angels of the Lord | Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord… | Dan 3:58 |
5. | A son of God | The fourth looks like a son of God… | Dan 3:92 |
6. | Angel | God / sent His angel / servants… | Dan 3:95 |
7. | Holy watcher | A holy watcher / down / heaven… | Dan 4:10 |
8. | Watchers | Decrees / watchers … | Dan 4:14 |
8. | Holy ones | Order of the holy ones / sentence… | Dan 4:14 |
9. | Holy watcher | The king’s vision of a holy watcher… | Dan 4:20 |
10. | Angel | God sent his angel / closed / lion’s | Dan 6:23 |
11. | Thousands | Thousands upon thousands… | Dan 7:10 |
11. | Myriads | Myriads upon myriads stood / Him… | Dan 7:10 |
12. | One | I approached one / present / asked… | Dan 7:16 |
13. | Host of heaven | It grew / host of heaven / host / stars… | Dan 8:10 |
14. | Holy one | I heard a holy one speaking / another… | Dan 8:13 |
15. | Gabriel | Gabriel, explain the vision / man… | Dan 8:16 |
16. | Gabriel | When the man, Gabriel / I had seen… | Dan 9:21 |
17. | Man dressed in linen | A man dressed in linen w/ belt / gold… | Dan 10:5 |
18. | (Man dressed in linen) | Face / lightning / eyes / torches… | Dan 10:6 |
19. | Prince of Persia | The prince of the kingdom of Persia… | Dan 10:13 |
19. | Michael | Michael / chief princes, came to help… | Dan 10:13 |
20. | One standing | I said / one standing before me… | Dan 10:16 |
21. | One / like a man | One who looked like a man touched… | Dan 10:18 |
22. | Prince of Persia | I / fight the prince of Persia … | Dan 10:20 |
22. | Prince of Greece | The prince of Greece will come… | Dan 10:20 |
23. | Michael / prince | No one / except Michael your prince… | Dan 10:21 |
24. | Michael / prince | Michael / prince / guardian / people… | Dan 12:1 |
25. | The stars forever | Lead / to justice / the stars forever… | Dan 12:3 |
26. | Two others | Daniel looked / two others / standing… | Dan 12:5 |
27. | Man clothed in linen | The man clothed in linen / upstream… | Dan 12:6 |
28. | Man clothed in linen | The man clothed in linen / upstream… | Dan 12:7 |
29. | Angel of God | The angel of God / sentence / God… | Dan 13:55 |
30. | Angel of God | The angel of God awaits with / sword… | Dan 13:59 |
31. | Angel of the Lord | An angel of the Lord told him… | Dan 14:34 |
32. | Angel of the Lord | The angel of the Lord seized him… | Dan 14:36 |
33. | Angel of God | Angel of God / brought Habakkuk… | Dan 14:39 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Divine being | In his vigor he contended with a divine being… | Hos 12:4 |
2. | Angel | He contended with an angel and prevailed… | Hos 12:5 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Angel | The angel who spoke / answered… | Zech 1:9 |
2. | Angel of the LORD | They answered / angel of the LORD… | Zech 1:11 |
3. | Angel of the LORD | Then the angel of the LORD replied… | Zech 1:12 |
4. | Angel | To the angel who spoke / the LORD… | Zech 1:13 |
5. | Angel | The angel who spoke / then said… | Zech 1:14 |
6. | Angel | I asked the angel who spoke w me… | Zech 2:2 |
7. | Workmen | Then the LORD showed / four workmen… | Zech 2:3 |
8. | Angel | Angel spoke with me / another angel… | Zech 2:7 |
9. | Angel of the LORD | High priest standing / angel of the LORD… | Zech 3:1 |
10. | Angel of the LORD | The angel of the LORD / the adversary… | Zech 3:2 |
11. | Angel | Joshua was standing / the angel, clad… | Zech 3:3 |
12. | Angel | The angel said / standing before him… | Zech 3:4 |
13. | Angel of the LORD | The angel of the LORD / standing by… | Zech 3:5 |
14. | Angel of the LORD | The angel of the LORD charged Joshua… | Zech 3:6 |
15. | Angel | Then the angel who spoke / returned… | Zech 4:1 |
16. | Angel | Then I said to the angel /spoke with me… | Zech 4:4 |
17. | Angel | The angel who spoke with me replied… | Zech 4:5 |
18. | Angel | The angel who spoke / came forward… | Zech 5:5 |
19. | Angel | I said to the angel / spoke with me… | Zech 5:10 |
20. | Angel | I asked the angel who spoke with me… | Zech 6:4 |
21. | Angel | The angel answered me… | Zech 6:5 |
22. | Angel of the LORD | The angel of the LORD before them… | Zech 12:8 |
# | Angel | Description | Verse |
1. | Messenger | Because he is a messenger of the LORD of hosts… | Mal 2:7 |
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Angels of the Book of Revelation
Angel Bible Verses – From Genesis to Revelation