You might be familiar with some of the memorable narratives from the Book of Daniel. The fiery furnace, the lions den, and the mysterious handwriting on the wall. But did you know the Book of Daniel is filled with ministering angels? Living in a world of tribulations, it is good to know the angels are with us as they were with the prophet Daniel.
The Book of Daniel
The Book of Daniel is one of the prophetic books (last section) of the Old Testament books of the Bible. I became intrigued after having listened to the Book of Daniel on my commutes. From there, I studied further with various Bibles and resources.
If you have never read the Book of Daniel, I encourage you to do so. There are moral lessons to be learned from the stories. There are also Biblical prophecies to consider.

What stood out most to me about the Book of Daniel wasn’t the inspirations from the narratives, nor was it the deep Biblical prophecies, it was the angels, lots of them.
Really, the only the only goal of this post is to share with you the amount of angelic activity there is going on in the Book of Daniel. St. Michael and St. Gabriel, two of the three archangels of the Bible, are both mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
The Angels in the Book of Daniel

These tables might not be all inclusive of the angels in the Book of Daniel, but they will give you a good idea of the amount of angels there is in the book.
The Book of Daniel – Part I
Daniel, His 3 Friends, and the Kings of Babylon
# | Passage | Angel | Notes | Verse |
1. | Nebuch. / Dream | The gods | Possibly angels | 2:11 |
2. | The Fiery Furnace | Angel of the Lord | Protection | 3:49 |
3. | The Fiery Furnace | Cherubim | Praise | 3:55 |
4. | The Fiery Furnace | Angels of the Lord | Praise | 3:58 |
5. | Deliverance / Furnace | A son of God | Protection | 3:92 |
6. | Deliverance / Furnace | Angel | Protection | 3:95 |
7. | Nebuch. / Madness | Holy Watcher | Angel ministry | 4:10 |
8. | Nebuch. / Madness | Watchers | Angel ministry | 4:14 |
9. | Nebuch. / Madness | Holy Ones | Angel ministry | 4:14 |
10. | Nebuch. / Madness | Holy Watcher | Angel ministry | 4:20 |
11. | The Lion’s Den | Angel | Protection | 6:23 |
The Book of Daniel – Part II
The 4 Visions of Daniel
# | Passage | Angel | Notes | Verse |
1. | Beasts / Judgment | Thousands | Attendants of God | 7:10 |
2. | Beasts / Judgment | Myriads | Attendants of God | 7:10 |
3. | Beasts / Judgment | One | Attendant of God | 7:16 |
4. | Ram / He-goat | Host of heaven | Angels of heaven | 8:10 |
5. | Ram / He-goat | Holy one | Angel | 8:13 |
6. | Ram / He-goat | Gabriel | St. Gabriel’s ministry | 8:16 |
7. | 70 Weeks of Years | Gabriel | St. Gabriel’s ministry | 9:21 |
8. | An Angelic Vision | A man / linen | Angel from heaven | 10:5 |
9. | An Angelic Vision | (Angelic description) | Angel from heaven | 10:6 |
10. | An Angelic Vision | Prince of Persia | Guardian of Persia | 10:13 |
11. | An Angelic Vision | Michael / princes | Patron angel of Israel | 10:13 |
12. | An Angelic Vision | Standing before me | Angel ministry | 10:16 |
13. | An Angelic Vision | Standing before me | Angel ministry | 10:18 |
14. | An Angelic Vision | The prince of Persia | Angel knowledge | 10:20 |
15. | An Angelic Vision | Prince of Greece | Angel knowledge | 10:20 |
16. | An Angelic Vision | Michael / prince | Angel knowledge | 10:21 |
17. | The Resurrection | Michael / prince | Guardian angel of Israel | 12:1 |
18. | The Resurrection | Stars forever | Angels of heaven | 12:3 |
19. | The Resurrection | Two others | Angel ministry | 12:5 |
20. | The Resurrection | Man clothed / linen | Angel ministry | 12:6 |
21. | The Resurrection | Man clothed / linen | Angel ministry | 12:7 |
The Book of Daniel – Part III
Wise Daniel, Susanna, Bel, and the Dragon
# | Passage | Angel | Reference | Verse |
1. | Susanna | The Angel of God | Angel ministry | 13:55 |
2. | Susanna | The Angel of God | Angel ministry | 13:59 |
3. | Bel and the Dragon | An angel of the Lord | Angel ministry | 14:34 |
4. | Bel and the Dragon | The angel of the Lord | Angel ministry | 14:36 |
5. | Bel and the Dragon | The angel of God | Angel ministry | 14:39 |
About the Angels in the Book of Daniel
“And knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:4b
Here are some notables that stood out to me about the angels in the Book of Daniel.
- Cherubim are high ranking angels whose wings form the throne of God.
- Angels are also called “sons of God” in the Book of Job and in the Psalms.
- “Watcher” is only mentioned in the Bible in chapter four of the Book of Daniel.
- God can send his angels to miraculously protect Daniel (and us) from danger.
- Thousands upon thousands and myriads of angels attend to God in heaven.
- Stars are symbolic of angels in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation.
- The first time St. Gabriel is mentioned in the Bible is in the Book of Daniel.
- The name Gabriel means, “God is my strength” or “the strength of God.”
- Angels also appeared in priestly vestments in Leviticus, Ezekiel, and Revelation.
- “Princes” in Daniel are angels who serve as guardians over earthly nations.
- The Hebrew name Michael means, “Who is like God.”
- God can have his angels reveal future events to us as He did with Daniel.
- Mystical transport from an angel also occurs in the Book of Ezekiel
In review of the tables, both the ministry of angels and the protection we can receive from them clearly stands out. This is why praying the Angelus can help us draw closer to God’s angels, and in faith, receive a greater degree of protection from them.
“One of the things we found effective in creating a good atmosphere in the home among the parents is if they get up and pray the Angelus every day at 6, noon, and 6. There is something about that prayer, it protects people in their spiritual warfare…we are trying to figure out what causes it. We think part of it is the discipline of praying it daily.” – Fr. Chad Ripperger, exorcist
Be Faithful to God
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; Some to everlasting life, others to reproach and everlasting disgrace. But those with insight shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, And those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever. Daniel 12:2-3