This post is written with the Catholic family in mind, particularly the father. The father is the head of the household, and he has been given spiritual authority over his family by God. There are numerous simple spiritual warfare strategies the family can do to help keep them protected from evil. We will discuss 9 simple strategies in this post.
What Are Spiritual Duties of Catholic Fathers?
Catholic fathers should be doing such things as leading his family in prayer, blessing his wife and children with his spiritual authority, and raising their children in Christ.
“As his father you have the authority to bless your son and set him free from demons more than anyone on planet earth because of the natural law and positive law. Demons must obey lawful authority set up by God. 4th Commandment – honor your father and your mother, this demonstrates the spiritual authority you have over them.” Source: Jesse Romero Blog
What if There is No Father in the Family?
Mothers can also bless their children, lead them in prayer, and raise them in Christ.
How Should Catholic Families Be Living?
Catholic families should be living strong faith lives, prayer lives, and sacramental lives in Christ. This is what the Church and spiritual warfare experts advise:
“If you have a strong faith life, a strong prayer life, and a strong sacramental life, then you have nothing to worry about.” + Fr. Gary Thomas, exorcist (Source: Saint Michael Manual for Spiritual Warfare p.33)
9 Simple Ways to Protect the Family

In addition to Catholic families living devout lives in Christ, let us consider some spiritual warfare strategies that should help families receive God’s protection.
1. Placement of Blessed St. Benedict Medals
So extraordinary were the mighty deeds God accomplished at the hands of Paul that when face cloths or aprons that touched his skin were applied to the sick, their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. Acts 19:11-12
St. Benedict Medal Spiritual Warfare Strategy
The love of Christ must come before all else. + St. Benedict
Have the St. Benedict medals blessed in the Old Rite of blessing and place them in the four corners of the house. The placement serves as a spiritual block for the demons, keeping them out of the house and out of the lives of the family members.
You have to get the medals blessed in the Old Rite, because the old rite blessing has the exorcisms over the medal included in the rite of blessing.
You can also put the St. Benedict medals in the entrances of your house. To add more protection, you could put additional ones in the four corners of the bedrooms to help keep everyone protected while they are asleep. Also keep one on your nightstand.
I learned this strategy from listening to one of Fr. Chad Ripperger’s talks on spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is real! You can listen to Fr.’s talk here: Spiritual Protection.
2. Wear Blessed Carmelite Brown Scapulars
Now I am sending to you Elijah the prophet, Before the day of the LORD comes, the great and terrible day. Malachi 3:23
Chapel of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

There is something mysterious about Carmelite spirituality that is highly effective in Catholic Spiritual Warfare. Wearing a blessed scapular provides spiritual protection.
“Demons particularly hate the Brown Scapular…the Scapular is very important because it provides a level of protection.” + Fr. Chad Ripperger Source: OSMM
Carmelite Brown Scapular Spiritual Warfare Strategy
This spiritual warfare strategy is a simple one, but it requires righteous intentions of anyone who intends to wear a Carmelite brown scapular for spiritual protection.
- Acquire a Carmelite brown scapular.
- Enroll in the Brown Scapular Confraternity.
- Wear the scapular in devotion to Our Lady.
The Carmelite Brown Scapular
- Wear the 100% wool brown scapular continuously.
- Observe chastity to one’s state in life (single/married).
- Request to pray a daily rosary during the enrollment.
- PDF copy of brown scapular enrollment: Enrollment.
You can read more information about the Carmelite Religious Order here: Carmelites.
3. Donate Nonperishable Food
The generous will be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9
Donate nonperishable food to the needy in the community. The act of buying food and donating it to your local parish food pantry is not spiritual, but the intentions of doing the act are, and the generosity should prove to be a blessing for those in need and for your own family. Christ is generous, and He calls us to imitate Him.
Works of Mercy Spiritual Warfare Strategy
In addition to living a strong faith life, prayer life, and sacramental life, participating in works of mercy should help to keep your family protected from diabolic oppression.
Store up almsgiving in your treasury, and it will save you from every evil. Better than a mighty shield and a sturdy spear it will fight for you against the enemy. Sirach 29:12-13
4. Read the Magnificat
And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; Luke 1:46

Magnificat Spiritual Warfare Strategy
This strategy requires an annual subscription, but the benefits should be worth it.
“The Word of God is the most effective tool that we can use to defeat the devil. Jesus used it to renounce the temptations of the devil at the beginning of his public ministry, and in doing so, teaches us to do the same.” + Fr. Vincent Lampert Source: Exorcism The Battle Against Satan and His Demons, p. 140
The Magnificat will help to meet the spiritual needs of the Catholic family. You can even get a protective cover for the Magnificat. The presence of the Magnificat in the family will help encourage both the parents and the children to read and pray from it.
The Magnificat
“All spiritual growth comes from reading and reflection.” + St. Isidore
5. Join the Knights of Columbus
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20
This strategy is with the father of the family in mind. The Church is in an all out battle against the forces of evil. Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, is on the road to sainthood! The KC’s help out with charitable activities that provide vital assistance for priests, the parish community, and the needs of the whole Church.
Fr. Michael McGivney, Knights of Columbus Founder
Knights of Columbus Principles
The Knights of Columbus is founded on the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Like St. Joseph, knights help to lead, serve, protect, and defend in service to God.
Join the Knights of Columbus
Your every act should be done with love. 1st Corinthians 16:14
Sanctity of Fr. McGivney in Spiritual Warfare
Please read Exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti’s post about the sanctity of Fr. McGivney.
Exorcist Diary #190: Demons Witness to Sanctity of Knights of Columbus Founder
6. Pray Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity
Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings. 1 Peter 5:8-9

Deliverance Prayers Spiritual Warfare Strategy
Fr. Ripperger’s prayer book has experienced exponential growth over the past few years. People are seeking help. The book contains precision spiritual warfare prayers to help keep Catholic families protected from the diabolic and evil influences.
You can read my review about the book: Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity
“Ultimately we are powerless to protect ourselves in the spiritual warfare. Only Christ can protect us and those whom Christ has commissioned to protect us, among whom Our Lady stands above the rest. So it is in Her we place our confidence; may she protect all who use this book. Source: Deliverance Prayers for Use By the Laity, p.10
7. Join a Catholic Prayer Community
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Acts 2:42

Catholic Prayer Community Spiritual Warfare Strategy
There is strength in numbers. This strategy simply involves joining a Catholic prayer community where the members of the prayer group pray and pray for each other. Two of the most popular are Auxilium Christianorum and the Rosary Confraternity.
Catholic Prayer Communities
You want to get underneath an authority structure for spiritual shelter from evil. Both communities require daily recitation of the rosary. Let Our Lady pray for us, amen!
Joining a prayer community is a simple spiritual warfare strategy. Being committed to living out the requirements of the prayer community will take daily dedication.
Like a drop of water from the sea and a grain of sand, so are these few years among the days of eternity. Sirach 18:10
8. Listen to Liber Christo Spiritual Warfare

Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. Ephesians 6:11
Liber Christo Method (Catholic Liberation Practices)
This is a simple spiritual warfare strategy in that all you have to do is download the Virgin Most Powerful app and listen to the weekly shows at your convenience.
Virgin Most Powerful App
You can download the app here: VMP.
Spiritual Warfare Intelligence
The spiritual warfare intelligence you will receive from the Church’s leading experts in Catholic spiritual warfare is invaluable in this struggle we are in to obtain salvation for our souls and for our families. There are new posts updated on Wednesdays.
You can listen to Liber Christo here: Liber Christo Spiritual Warfare
9. Pray the Angelus (6AM, Noon, 6PM)
He will send out the angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky. Mark 13:27

Angelus Spiritual Warfare Strategy
This is a simple strategy. The Angelus prayer is ancient, and it only takes about one and a half minutes to pray. The Angelus has been prayed by Catholics for centuries.
Ancient Monastic Wisdom
It is the discipline and right order of praying the Angelus at the appointed times (6am, noon, 6pm) that should reap many blessings for Catholic families over a lifetime.
The word Angelus means Angel. I’m convinced that if you pray it, they protect you.
“One of the things we found effective in creating a good atmosphere in the home among the parents is if they get up and pray the Angelus every day at 6, noon, and 6. There is something about that prayer, it protects people in their spiritual warfare…we are trying to figure out what causes it. We think part of it is the discipline of praying it daily.” + Fr. Chad Ripperger, Exorcist
I hope you have enjoyed this post. Moving forward with any of these strategies should prove to be helpful for Catholic families in this cosmic battle we are in against evil.
9 Simple Spiritual Warfare Strategies
# | Spiritual Warfare Strategy | Verse | CCC |
1 | Placement of blessed St. Benedict medals. | Acts 19:11-12 | 1667 |
2 | Wear blessed Carmelite brown scapulars. | Mal 3:23 | 2582 |
3 | Donate nonperishable food. | Prv 22:9 | 1937 |
4 | Read from the Magnificat. | Lk 1:46 | 2097 |
5 | Join the Knights of Columbus. | Mt 18:20 | 1373 |
6 | Pray deliverance prayers for use by the laity. | 1 Pt 5:8-9 | 409 |
7 | Join a Catholic prayer community. | Acts 2:42 | 3 |
8 | Listen to Liber Christo Spiritual Warfare. | Eph 6:11 | 409 |
9 | Pray the Angelus (6am, noon, 6pm). | Mk 13:27 | 331 |
Lastly, this strategy was not mentioned, but keep plenty of holy water in the house for daily use for Catholic families, and please consider praying the rosary. The rosary is a powerful spiritual warfare prayer that will help to keep the family protected.
“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen
More on Spiritual Warfare
20 Ways of Spiritual Protection for the Family
St. Padre Pio’s 3 Simple Weapons for Spiritual Warfare
20 Ways to Advance in Spiritual Warfare