The occult is on the rise and wreaking havoc in Catholic families today. Some Catholics are dabbling in the occult, often unwittingly, and the consequences with it can be devastating for the afflicted person and for the family members and friends of the afflicted person.
What is the Occult?
The word occult means “hidden” or “secret.” The Latin word is occultus. The world of the occult primarily revolves around magic and divination. There are many forms of the occult, and it is increasingly becoming more accepted in our society today.
The most significant forms of occultism are magic, astrology, fortune-telling, and or spiritism. + Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Some may be attracted to the occult through curiosity, while others engage in occult practices seeking self-preservation. Regardless of either, the effects of the occult can be detrimental for Catholics, possibly resulting in demonic activity and affliction.
Jesus questioned his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” He replied, “Since childhood. Mark 9:21
60 Occult Related Examples
- Amulets
- Astrology
- Augury
- Automatic Writing
- Blood pacts
- Bloody Mary
- Certain Video Games
- Chakras
- Channeling
- Charley Charley
- Charms
- Chi
- Clairvoyance
- Communication with the Dead
- Conjuring
- Covens
- Crystals
- Curses
- De-baptism
- Dreamcatcher
- Feng Shui
- Fortunetelling
- Freemasonry
- Harry Potter
- Hexes
- Horoscopes
- Infested Objects
- Interpretation of Omens and Lots
- Kabala
- Magic
- Magic 8-Ball
- Medium Guidance
- Necromancy
- New Age Practices
- Ouija Boards
- Palm Readings
- Pendulums
- Potions
- Psychic
- Reiki
- Reflexology
- Religious Syncretism
- Santa Muerte
- Santeria
- Seances
- Sorcery
- Soul Ties
- Spells
- Spiritism
- Superstition
- Talisman
- Tarot Cards
- Tea Leaf Reading
- Transcendental Meditation
- Voodoo
- Water Witching
- Wicca
- Witchcraft
- Wizardry
- Yoga
Why Should Catholics Avoid the Occult?
Catholics should stay out of the occult and avoid any form of it as much as possible because occult practices in all of its forms is a violation of the 1st Commandment.
You shall not have other gods beside me. Exodus 20:3
What Does Jesus Say About the Occult?
Jesus says in the Gospel to stay yoked to Him, thereby staying out of the occult.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. Matthew 11:29
The more you learn about Sacred Scripture, the stronger your faith life in Christ should be. And what a blessing that is for Catholic families. A strong faith life in Christ, and knowledge of who God is from the Bible will help keep Catholics out of the occult.
Thus says the LORD: Stand by the earliest roads, ask the pathways of old, “Which is the way to good?” and walk it; thus you will find rest for yourselves. Jeremiah 6:16a
Is the Rise in the Occult Afflicting Catholic Families in Our Society Today?
Yes. The rise in the occult is afflicting Catholic families and putting a strain on the clergy involved in the deliverance ministry: Exorcists are Overwhelmed
How to Keep Catholic Families Out of the Occult
Below are four authentic ways to keep Catholics families out of the occult. Fathers of Catholic families should have recourse in making sure these strategies are carried out for the sake of keeping their families safe from the occult and evil influences.
“As his father you have the authority to bless your son and set him free from demons more than anyone on planet earth because of the natural law and positive law. Demons must obey lawful authority set up by God. 4th Commandment – honor your father and your mother, this demonstrates the spiritual authority you have over them. Source: Jesse
I learned these four ways from Liber Christo. The Liber Christo Method, a Field Manual for Spiritual Combat is one of the best books available on Catholic Spiritual Warfare. You can read my book review here: 10 Best Books for Catholic Spiritual Warfare
“The ultimate antidote against the occult is the practice of the authentic. The ordinary means of the sanctification of the soul to counteract unholy desire for the occult include attending Mass, Christian prayer, rosary, and the devotional reading of the Bible.” Source: Freedom Through Christ, The Catholic Approach to Liberation, Companion Guide Revised Edition
Way #1 Attend Mass Devoutly

“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. John 6:35b
Stay Close to Christ in the Sacraments of the Church
The Eucharist, the body of Christ, is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith. Families receiving the body, blood, soul and Divinity of Jesus at holy communion in a state of grace will be blessed in Christ and yoked to Him in the holy sacrament.
“A flock belonging to a man feels secure in the care of its human shepherd; how much safer should we feel when our shepherd is God.” + St. Augustine, bishop 354-430 A.D.
Live a Holy Catholic Life Pleasing to God
Fr. Chad Ripperger, exorcist, has stated that living a full sacramental Catholic life and remaining in a state of sanctifying grace, is one of the principal means by which you keep yourself and your family protected from diabolical influences.
Similarly, Fr. Vincent Lampert has said that the devil is already on the run if you are going to Church and especially if you are receiving communion.
Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. John 6:53
Way #2 Be Devoted to Prayer
Pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. Ephesians 6:18a

Pray Devoutly in Union With the Church
St. John Vianney said prayer is nothing else but union with God. When we pray, we put ourselves in connection with God and the Divine life. Praying helps to keep us and our families yoked in Christ and distanced from all forms and practices of the occult.
“The family that prays together, stays together.” + Fr. Patrick Peyton
Praying is a must for all Catholic families, especially if families are under the attack of evil influences. Fr. Amorth (2016 +) has stated from his own experience as an exorcist that when families are in spiritual combat with a demon, the family must stay united together, despite any difficulties, and combat the demon with much prayer.
Unfortunately, families are not exempt from the extraordinary actions of Satan, even if it is only a single member who has been struck by an evil spell. + Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Way #3 Pray the Rosary
“Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28b

Pray Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary
Our Blessed Mother at Fatima continually told the three child visionaries for the Church to pray her rosary every day. It would seem her request has been downgraded by the Church and often supplanted and replaced with the Divine Mercy message.
It should be noted that in certain precarious situations, church leaders will often hold rosary vigils in an urgent effort to fend off evil or to help stabilize an ongoing crisis.
With the rise of the occult and the diabolic in our culture, it would make sense for parishes and families to honor our Blessed Mother’s request and pray the rosary. In addition, praying the rosary will help provide a family spiritual protection.
“Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?…I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the battering ram has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation stone of the New Testament.” + Our Lady to St. Dominic
Way #4 Daily Bible Study
I have stored up your Word in my heart that I may not sin against you. Psalms 119:11

Make Bible Study a Daily Habit
Author and spiritual warfare expert, Kathleen Beckman, says families should take time each day to read from the Bible. She also advises us to memorize scripture verses to use in spiritual combat, and she reminds us that our Lord Jesus Christ chose to use the holy armament of Sacred Scripture to defeat the devil and his temptations.
“The Word of God is the most effective tool that we can use to defeat the devil. Jesus used it to renounce the temptations of the devil at the beginning of His public ministry, and in doing so, teaches us to do the same.” + Fr. Vincent Lampert, exorcist
If you want to keep your family out of the occult see to it that you take some time each day and read from the Bible or the daily readings. This is the true way of a Christian disciple. To love God, we have to know Him, and as St. Hippolytus has said, there is only one God, and we learn about God through Sacred Scripture.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
You shall love the LORD, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength. Take to heart these words which I command you today.Keep repeating them to your children. Recite them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up.
Final Thoughts
Catholic families today must strive to stay out of the occult. The best way to stay out of the occult is to strive to live a holy, Catholic life with the family united in prayer.
- Attend Mass devoutly as a family
- Family prayer devotions
- Pray the rosary every day
- Devotional Bible study
As Catholics, we all have a part to play with acts of charity and works of mercy. Lets pray and help keep Catholic families out of the occult and safely yoked to Christ.
“Be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16b

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39