God is amazing! He is the God of love and truth. Have you ever wanted to know more about God? This post should help give you a better understanding of who God is and a better awareness of some of the principles about Him to help you in your discipleship. All 31 principles about God […]
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20 Key Eucharist Verses in the Bible
Here are 20 key verses in the Bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation that prefigure and exemplify the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist of the Catholic Church. What is the Eucharist? Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, […]

20 Ways of Spiritual Protection for the Family
The goal of this post is to share with you what I learned about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from diabolic influences. Spiritual protection from the diabolic and evil influences should be a priority for every Catholic family. The more we know and understand our Catholic faith and Catholic spiritual warfare, the […]

20 Ways to Advance in Spiritual Warfare
If you think about Jesus in the Gospels, there is always a sense of increase and multiplication with what He was doing. Jesus went about advancing His mission every day, proclaiming the Kingdom, driving out demons, and healing people. There was little down time. Jesus was either praying or advancing the restoration of the Kingdom […]

20 Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for the Family
Here is a list of prayers for practical everyday use in relation to spiritual warfare. These prayers of the Church should help to offer you and your family spiritual protection and peace in Christ. Some of these prayers can be prayed individually or by the whole family. There can be dark nights and days in […]

3 Anointed Lessons from the Bible
When someone or something was anointed in the Bible, it generally means a ritual act has taken place such as the pouring of oil, where the person or object has been consecrated and made sacred through the power of God. We will consider three lessons from the Bible. We will also consider how each of […]

Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love
Acts of faith, hope, and love are based upon the theological virtues because they are the virtues of God. These three traditional Catholic prayers allow us to draw closer to God, and they have their foundation in God. St. Paul says in the 1st Book of Corinthians (1 Cor 13:13) love is the greatest of […]

25 Best Bible Verses About the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. In the Catholic faith, the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father and Christ the Son. The Church teaches Holy Spirit is coequal with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit came down upon the apostles to strengthen them for ministry, and God’s […]

3 Lessons Learned About Clouds in the Bible
Clouds are visible masses of water droplets in the atmosphere. In addition to providing shade and life giving water, clouds have their own role to play in service to God in the Bible. In this post, we will review three lessons about clouds from a biblical perspective. #1 Lesson About Clouds in the Bible A […]

7 Verses about Principalities Angels
St. Paul the Apostle mentions spiritual beings known as principalities in three of his epistles from the New Testament Bible: Romans, Ephesians, and Colossians. What exactly are they? What do we need to know about them? Are they angels, or are they something else? What is a Principality Angel? A principality angel is an angel […]

3 Lessons Learned about Powers Angels in the Bible
Powers angels are influential spirits that make up the 6th choir of angels. They are primarily known to be an army of warrior angels who serve God and help protect us from evil spirits. Principalities and powers are mentioned in several New Testament Bible verses. Powers Angels Lesson #1 Christ has authority over the powers […]